OCASI latest articles

OCASI Calls For A Comprehensive And Inclusive Status Regularization Program

Toronto / May 16, 2024 - Today, OCASI sent a second letter to Prime Minister Trudeau and Minister Miller, calling for urgent action on status regularization.

View the May 16 letter

Visit migrantrights.ca/take-action/email/ to take action.

Toronto / April 12, 2024

Dear Prime Minister and Minister Miller,

Re: Immigration Status Regularization - Permanent Residence For All

A Message On Refugee Rights Day

Toronto / April 4, 2024

Dear OCASI Family,

Today we recognize the thirty-ninth anniversary of the Singh decision which confirmed that refugees are protected by Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

This day and what it represents -access to justice for all who are resident on this land, is more important than ever as we bear witness to unprecedented numbers of asylum seekers arriving on our shores seeking protection and refuge.

In Sisterhood

Toronto / March 2024

The invitation to join a group of feminist sisters over a two-day retreat with a loose agenda and no plans for post retreat work was met with a hopeful sigh and a touch of skepticism. As I walked into the hotel lobby that Sunday evening after an uneventful ride from the airport to Gatineau, I was met by two of my African-descent sisters who had arrived earlier and had made themselves the unofficial welcome community. We hugged and I could feel the early loosening of the muscles in my upper back.
