There were sixty-three thousand individuals who arrived and claimed refugee status in Ontario in 2023. By mid-December 2024 approximately eighty-four thousand claims had been filed by persons residing in the province. We can make a guesstimate that we’ll end up just over the eighty-five thousand number for 2024, as November had seen a slight dip in numbers from the previous month.
In Memoriam
It is with heavy hearts that we bid adieu to our colleague, brother Ibrahim Absiye.
Strides Toronto is a proud partner of Youth Wellness Hubs Ontario (YWHO) and operates the Scarborough Youth Wellness Hub and the Toronto East Youth Wellness Hub. The Hubs provide high-quality integrated youth services to support the well-being of young people aged 12 to 25, including mental health and substance use supports, primary health care, community and social supports, and more.
Preparing for Work in Canada: What to Know Before you Arrive
This WelcomeOntario article, developed in partnership with SOPA (Settlement Online Pre-Arrival) for Refugees, shares helpful tips for privately sponsored refugees preparing to settle in Canada. It explains how to understand workplace culture and feel more confident about starting work.
Join our 5th Annual Conference Pathways to Legacy on January 16-17, 2025, in Toronto and virtually. This survivor-led event explores advocacy and collective healing to combat gender-based violence against non-status, refugee, and immigrant women across Canada.
Espaces positifs pour les nouveaux arrivants LGBTQIA+ Niveau 1 Hiver 2025
Initiative Espaces Positifs de OCASI est heureuse d’ouvrir les inscriptions pour la session hiver 2025 pour le cours IEP niveau 1. Il s'agit d'un cours en ligne gratuit et autodirigé qui se déroulera entre le 13 janvier et le 21 février 2025.
OCASI PSI will be offering a Level 1 training course for settlement sector workers. The course is free, self-directed and will run from January 13th to December 21st
SettlementAtWork.Org serves as a knowledge hub for all things settlement. You can find resources, events, news and jobs. To ensure that we have the most updated content, we want to connect with you and share your content.
SecteurÉtablissement.Org est un centre de connaissances pour tout ce qui concerne l'établissement. Vous pouvez y trouver des ressources, des événements, des nouvelles et des emplois. Afin de garantir que nous fournissons le contenu le plus actualisé, nous souhaitons entrer en contact avec vous et partager votre contenu.
Unlock Your Agency's Potential with the OCASI Client Management System (OCMS)!
OCMS is a cloud-based data management system that streamlines client services and saves time for workers and clients alike. It is developed by and for the immigrant and refugee serving sector, and is known for its high quality and responsive service. To join our growing list of clients contact us at
We are excited to invite you to register for the Journeys to Active Citizenship virtual conference happening on February 13th, 2025. ‘Civic Engagement in Precarious Times’ is a day-long conference which will emphasize the need for an intersectional approach when promoting active citizenship and civic engagement, while amplifying the voices and experiences of the most marginalized communities within the settlement sector.
Conférence sur l'engagement civique en période de précarité
Nous sommes heureux de vous inviter à vous inscrire à la conférence virtuelle, qui se tiendra le 13 février 2025. L'engagement civique en période de précarité sera une conférence d'une journée qui mettra en évidence la nécessité d'une approche intersectionnelle dans la promotion de la citoyenneté active et l'engagement civique, tout en amplifiant les voix et les expériences des communautés les plus marginalisées au sein du secteur de l’établissement.
Refugee Family Reunification listserv
The Refugee Family Reunification Project is launching a listserv for exchanging information on the practical aspects of refugee family reunification. Notably One Year Window applications and Protected Person applications including family members abroad (DR2s). The listserv will provide a forum for list members to inform each other about new developments and to consult each other on challenging situations.
Le Projet en faveur de la réunification familiale des réfugiés lance un listserv pour échanger des informations sur les aspects pratiques de la réunification des familles de réfugiés. Notamment les demandes dans le cadre du délai prescrit d'un an et les demandes de personnes protégées incluant les membres de la famille à l'étranger (RD2). La liste offrira un forum qui permettrait aux membres de s'informer mutuellement concernant les nouveaux développements et de se consulter sur des situations difficiles.
Webinar: Refugee Family Reunification for Protected Persons
Watch the training webinar on how Protected Persons (accepted refugee claimants) can apply for permanent residence for themselves and their immediate family members, including those overseas. Intended primarily for NGO staff who support refugees with their permanent residence applications and thus to reunite with their families. Held in December 2024 by the Refugee Family Reunification campaign.
Steps to Justice Resource: Temporary Immigration Programs for Regions in Crisis
Steps to Justice has created a resource page for the different programs that the Government of Canada creates, from time to time, for temporary immigration programs for people in a specific country or region that's in crisis.
Webinar: Refugee Hearing Preparation
Thursday, January 16, 2025 - 11:00 am. A webinar focused on support for refugees in Canada as they prepare for their upcoming refugee hearings. Participants will receive practical guidance on what to expect during the hearing process, how to effectively share their story, and tips for presenting evidence.
Canada Retraining and Opportunities Initiative supports workforce planning and skills training in communities significantly impacted by a mass layoff. It provides funding for community-based projects that help workers develop the skills they need to transition to new jobs. Application period: October 16, 2024 - March 31, 2025. The call may close earlier if funding has been fully committed.
These grants support community organizations and not-for-profit community groups to promote greater social inclusion, volunteerism, and community engagement for older adults aged 55+. By Ontario Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility, grants range from $1,000 to $25,000. Submit your application by Thursday, January 16, 2025, at 5 p.m EST.
The Fund invests in community-led projects that play an essential role in creating safe spaces, empowering youth and families, supporting career pathways and addressing issues faced by our communities. System Innovations Grant applications and Family Innovations and Youth Innovations Grant applications are now open.. See new deadlines for all Trillium grant programs.
Ombudsman Toronto released the report, “An Investigation into the City’s Decision to Stop Allowing Refugee Claimants into Base Shelter System Beds,” on December 12, 2024. The report makes strong recommendations that would strengthen fairness and transparency. The City Manager is recommending the City should not adopt the recommendations.
The Canadian Centre for Nonprofit Digital Resilience outlines a 5-step Cybersecurity On-Ramp tailored for the settlement sector that provides practical, straightforward steps for organizations to build a strong foundation for ongoing cybersecurity management. The On-Ramp offers insights any organization can use to develop a risk-informed cybersecurity plan and effectively manage critical cyber risks.
With roughly 75% of the population growth coming from immigration, it is imperative to gain insights into the experiences of multicultural Canadians. This report dives into the opinions and challenges, perceptions and attitudes towards charitable giving of these growing population groups.
Read a recent Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) report on the current state of mental health in Canada. Includes highlights on how Ontario’s current housing crisis disproportionately impacts those with mental illnesses. The report criticizes inadequate support for harm reduction services and highlights a lack of coordinated funding for supportive housing.