OCASI latest articles

Refugee Rights Day 2013 - Toronto

Celebrate refugee rights in Canada on April 4!

Refugee Rights Day is commemorated on April 4 every year in Canada to bring attention to the advances made in the protection of refugee rights in Canada as a result of the Supreme Court Singh decision in 1985. Join us this year to commemorate the 28th anniversary of the 'Singh Decision'.

Scroll down to see a list of activities in Toronto that you can join. The activities are free of charge. Everyone is welcome.

Voting Rights for Permanent Residents in Municipal Elections

Hundreds of thousands of Toronto residents pay local taxes and use city services, but have no say in who represents them, because they are not yet Canadian citizens. Recently, the City of Toronto's Community Development and Recreation Committee put forward a request to review “the opportunity to have permanent residents in Toronto be given the right to vote in municipal elections.” Join OCASI - Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants and Thorncliffe Neighbourhood Office for a panel discussion on the merits of this proposal.
