OCASI latest articles

Talking Gender

About three weeks ago, thirty ethno-racially and linguistically diverse women- concerned with issues of women’s equality, immigrant and racialized women’s inclusion, and with general issues of immigrant and refugee integration-gathered to talk about what they saw as the political, policy and program priorities in Ontario. The meeting, hosted by the Minister Responsible for Women’s Issues and the Ontario Women’s Directorate with support from OCASI, was a first of its kind.

Reflections from Debbie on International Migrants' Day

December 2012 marked the 22nd anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly's adoption of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families. In Canada there is much to reflect on: The strides we've made over the past decades in creating a nation that is welcoming, that values the contribution of immigrants and that takes its obligation to protecting those in need of asylum and refuge seriously.

[In the Field January 2013] Member Feature - Skills for Change

Immigrant Women in Leadership

Skills for Change believe that immigrant women are key to having vibrant communities and a prosperous economy. Immigrant Women in Leadership seeks to support the ways in which immigrant women can fully participate in their workplaces and communities as leaders. The organization is on the move and ready to impact real change through the following related projects:
