OCASI latest articles

Executive Director Reflections on International Migrants’ Day, December 18, 2012

December 18 is International Migrants' Day. In Canada there is much to reflect on. The strides we've made over the past decades in creating a nation that is welcoming, that values the contribution of immigrants and that takes its obligation to protecting those in need of asylum and refuge seriously.

Social Assistance Review Final Report


The Commission for the Review of Social Assistance in Ontario released its final report at the end of October 2012. Frances Lankin and Dr. Munir Sheikh were appointed to the Commission in November 2010 to review Ontario Works (OW) and Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP). The Commission was appointed as part of a commitment by the provincial government in its 2008 Poverty Reduction Strategy, to review social assistance.

“Counting Diversity”

Since September of this year, OCASI has been working with a consulting consortium to overhaul our Anti-Racism, Anti-Oppression (ARAO) policies and to undertake a series of training sessions with the Board of Directors, Senior Management, Program Managers and Employees. The Council, after years of looking outward at the sector- implementing the Positive Spaces Initiative; developing and delivering extensive training on issues of (dis)abilities and intersecting identities including immigration status; ensuring opportunities for discussion and training on anti-racism and anti-oppression at our various conferences; vigorously applying an integrated analysis of race, gender, class, age, ability, etc. to our policy work, - believed it time to take an internal look.
