OCASI latest articles

[In the Field November 2012] Message from the Executive Director

The recent OCASI Executive Directors' Forum - 2012, has been talked about by many who attended as ‘one of the best.' When asked why, many responded that the policy plenaries and discussions were timely and informative. Folks liked that there was a common theme running through the plenary: A theme about change. Change in the non-profit sector, change in the immigrant and refugee serving sector, in sector-funder relationships and with relationships between and among governments.

OCASI Submission to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

In July of 2012, OCASI was invited by the Committe for the Rights of the Child, an independent body which monitors the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), to submit a shadow report on the state of children's rights in Canada. This report was presented in Geneva, Switzerland in the Fall of 2012. 

Conditional Permanent Residence rules will put immigrant women and children at risk

 OCASI – Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants is deeply disturbed by the implementation today, of ‘conditional permanent residence' for some sponsored spouses and partners. The Council is concerned that this measure will increase inequalities in relationships between spouses, and would put women in particular at heightened risk of violence.

#CdnImm Events

#CdnImm hashtag is an online community that share and discuss timely and relevant topics and information about Canadian immigration. To broaden important discussions happening in the sector, increase and strengthen the link between collaborators and to improve service delivery, OCASI has been coordinating offline informal events to help strengthen this community of online collaborators, promote connection and encourage further sharing of information.
