OCASI latest articles

[July 2012 In the Field] Member Feature - Mennonite New Life Centre

Mennonite New Life Centre The Mennonite New Life Centre is a community based settlement agency, offering a broad range of programs and services for newcomers to Canada. It is a place of welcome, friendship and community, where newcomers and neighbours gather to support each other, learn from each other, and take action together for a more just and compassionate society.

Best Year Ever for Settlement.Org

OCASI's Settlment.Org website for newcomers to Ontario had its' busiest year ever!

From April 1st, 2011 to March 31, 2012 the popular website had the following amazing numbers:

  • Visits: 1,773,004
  • Unique Visits: 1,396,412
  • Page Views: 4,764,764

The website's continued success is a testament to the hardworking staff and dedicated settlement workers who have made this site a part of their daily work.
