OCASI latest articles

Service Collaborative and Centralized Intake process at Centre for Addiction and Mental Health CAMH.


The Toronto Justice Service Collaborative is an initiative that is part of the 10 year mental health and addiction strategy. "Open Minds, Healthy Minds: Ontario's Comprehensive Mental Health and Addictions Strategy” commits to the formation of 18 Service Collaboratives to support coordinated services for children, youth and adults.

Debbie Douglas speaks at ‘Dare to Become Great’


OCASI Executive Director Debbie Douglas will be speaking on the Distinguished Speakers Panel at the event celebrating the 20 year anniversary of Management Advisory Service (MAS). Other panelists are Rahul Bhardwaj - President and CEO of Toronto Community Foundation (TCF), Michael Seaton - Canada Post, Che Kothari - Manifesto Community Projects, Violetta Llkiw - Laidlaw Foundation, and Anne-Marie ‘Amani' Woods - noted artist and educator.

Research Project: “Mitigating the Risk of Homelessness for Immigrant and Refugee Women through Effective Service Linkages”


The Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants (OCASI) is working in partnership with COSTI and WoodGreen Community Services (the Management Team), to undertake a research study on mitigating risk of homelessness among immigrant and refugee women. The study aims to provide practical policy options for the settlement services and housing services sectors in the GTA to increase their capacity to help prevent homelessness among newcomers. Research advisors are Valerie Preston - York University and Robert Murdie - University of Toronto.

Spring into Review

The gorgeous weather we've been experiencing here in Southern Ontario makes one hopeful that we've turned the corner on winter's cold and damp and that we're settling into Spring. There's a sense of hope in the air as I meet and converse with my colleagues from across the province and country; a particular optimism, a sense of ‘can do' that we haven't seen in many years.

Ontario Budget 2013 has limited gains: OCASI Comments on Ontario Budget 2013

Ontario Budget 2013 tabled in the legislature on May 2, 2013 includes some benefits for immigrants and refugees. However, the continuing emphasis on austerity and balancing the budget will have an overall negative impact on these populations.

OCASI is deeply disappointed that the Budget fails to make equity-focused investments that would make a positive difference.

Overall Budget
