OCASI latest articles

OCASI Offers FREE Positive Spaces Training!

Designed with organizational capacity-building in mind, OCASI's facilitator-led workshops train staff and managers to create Positive Spaces within their organizations, and to work respectfully and effectively with LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, two-spirit, queer, and/or questioning) newcomers and refugees. Each workshop is four hours long, for a total of 16 hours of training, and can be offered anywhere in Ontario.

Moving the Rights Yardstick

On July 15, 2013, the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) launched its new policy Removing Canadian Experience as a Barrier to Employment. The policy aims to clarify the existing code grounds where discrimination is prohibited in employment. The Commission boldly states in the policy that requiring Canadian experience as a condition of employment is discriminatory on its face and the onus is on employers to prove that there is a legitimate and necessary reason for such a requirement. This is significant.
