OCASI latest articles

Nellie’s Launches Position Paper on Accessibility

Nellie's is very proud to announce the launch of its position paper on accessibility titled Women with Disabilities and Deaf Women. This paper explores the issues impacting women with Disabilities and Deaf women.  It identifies challenges and emerging issues, from which strategies are developed for working with women and to ensure that services are accessible to all.

Advocacy and All Other Such Things

At the end of May, I received an e-mail from my colleague-friend Anon who indicated that news was expected from the federal Minister of Citizenship and Immigration - news that would be pleasing to OCASI. Now news from the Minister isn't surprising. We've had at least one policy announcement or regulation change or musings from the Minister on a daily basis (or so it seems) since he was appointed the Immigration, Citizenship and Multiculturalism portfolio. But pleasing to OCASI?  Long story short, a few days later Twitter was abuzz with the news. Access to citizenship would be made easier.
