“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” Martin Luther King, Jr.
Before leaving on my usual mid-winter vacation to warmer climes last month, our country and the world were nervously chuckling at the newly elected USA President’s musings about Canada being a 51st State of the USA and disrespectfully calling our Prime Minister, “Governor” as an insult - a belittling, an emasculation if you will.
Solidarity over Saviorism: Feminism Centering Racialized and Indigenous Women
The Council of Agencies Serving South Asians (CASSA) is holding it’s third annual Social Justice Summit in Toronto. The Summit is meant to foster dialogue, learning, and action on critical social justice issues. It serves as a platform for professionals, community leaders, academics, students, and policymakers to engage in discussions, exchange ideas, and build capacity for creating equitable service delivery and advocacy. February 24, 2025, 9am - 5pm EST.
Find Support, Share Experiences: Explore the Settlement.Org Discussion Forum
Explore the Settlement.Org discussion forum! The new user-friendly layout makes it even easier for newcomers to share their experiences. Find information, ask questions, and connect with others on topics like employment, housing, and the landing experience. Whether you're looking for pre-arrival assistance or ongoing support, our community is here to help. Join us today by visiting discourse.settlement.org
Self-Directed Online Course: Addressing Anti-Indigenous Racism in the Immigrant and Refugee-Serving Sector
Date: January 22 - March 20, 2025
Registration deadline: February 26, 2025
This 4-module course is specifically aimed at assisting people who work in the immigrant and refugee-serving sector learn about past and present-day anti-Indigenous racism experienced by the original peoples of this land now known as 'Canada'.
Note: Enroll before February 26 and complete the course at your own pace by March 20.
National Conference on Equity and Racial Justice Across Canada
Join local activists as well as leading provincial and national advocacy organizations, and front-line researchers in Toronto: Be part of a movement for advancing equity and racial justice across Canada!
March 18-20, 2025 | Toronto Metropolitan University | English + French with Spanish interpretation.
Free. In-person and online.
Conférence nationale sur l’équité et la justice raciale au Canada
Soyez au rendez-vous à Toronto et rejoignez des activistes locaux, des organisations provinciales et nationales de défense des intérêts éminentes et des chercheurs de première ligne.
Du 18 au 20 mars 2025 | Toronto Metropolitan University |En français et en anglais; l'option d'interprétation en direct seront disponible (anglais/ français/ espagnol).
Gratuitement. En person et en ligne.
The webinar was held on Wednesday January 29, 2025. Shalini Konanur and Atulya Sharman from the South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario spoke about the many recent changes to Canada's immigration and refugee system and answered technical questions.
Le webinaire a eu lieu mercredi, le 29 janvier
Shalini Konanur et Atulya Sharman de la South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario ont parlé des nombreux changements récents au système d'immigration et de protection des réfugiés du Canada.
Unlock Your Agency's Potential with the OCASI Client Management System (OCMS)!
OCMS is a cloud-based data management system that streamlines client services and saves time for workers and clients alike. It is developed by and for the immigrant and refugee serving sector, and is known for its high quality and responsive service. To join our growing list of clients contact us at ocmssupport@ocasi.org
This webcast will bring leaders from the community, hate crime units and anti-racism organizations together to explore systemic barriers to victim reporting, police response and investigation thresholds. Speakers will also discuss the impacts of hate crimes, along with potential solutions.
Friday, February 28, 2025 | 2:00 P.M. - 3:30 P.M. ET
Free virtual event
Dans ce webinaire, des dirigeants communautaires et des responsables d’unités de lutte contre les crimes haineux et d’organismes de lutte contre le racisme analyseront les obstacles systémiques au signalement de crime par les victimes et ceux auxquels fait face la police en matière d’intervention et d’enquête. Les participants discuteront également des répercussions des crimes haineux sur la société et des solutions pour lutter contre ces crimes.
Vendredi 28 février 2025 | 14 h - 15 h 30 HE
Événement virtuel gratuit
Sondage de CLEO pour les travailleurs communautaires francophones
CLEO (Éducation juridique communautaire Ontario) mène un sondage afin de mieux comprendre vos besoins en matière d’information juridique. Votre opinion est essentielle pour nous.
Nous vous invitons à compléter ce sondage d’ici le 18 février 2025. Pour y participer, cliquez sur le lien suivant : Sondage pour les travailleurs communautaires francophones de l'Ontario
Limited time! Free access to training Module Two: Income and Taxes
In preparation for tax season Prosper Canada is providing free limited time access to Module 2 of the Financial Literacy course, with focus on income sources including employment, self-employment and government benefits, and information on income tax. Learn how to help participants review their pay stubs and Notice of Assessment (NOA) to understand how pay and tax are calculated.
Nonprofits, a snap election has been announced – let’s advocate!
Ontario Nonprofit Network has compiled information and resources for nonprofits to engage, advocate and connect with residents. As trusted messengers with deep community roots, nonprofits are uniquely positioned to reach underrepresented voters and build a more inclusive and equitable democracy.
Webinar: Making Good Governance Decisions in Times of Complexity
Decision making for effective governance is more important than ever. It impacts the organization’s ability to advance its mission and requires making tough choices in these unprecedented challenging times. Get take-away tools that your board and staff leadership can use to make better decisions. Hosted by Reimagining Governance on Thursday, March 6, 2025 · 1 - 2pm EST.
Join Labour Community Services and Toronto Community Benefits Network as they host this year’s Black History Month panel, which will focus on the continued effects of colonialism (racism, systemic inequity and social injustice), and discuss what can be done to challenge the status quo. Thursday, February 20 · 6:30 - 8pm EST.
Canada’s only non-partisan national summit focused on electoral democracy is coming to Montreal, May 20-21, 2025! The Summit provides a unique space for leaders, policymakers, and citizens to collaborate on ensuring elections drive responsive, inclusive governance.
Breaking Barriers: Growing Future Farmers National Policy Jam
Join the national Policy Jam in eastern Ontario this March 15 and 16, 2025 to connect and mobilize around policy action to support new farmers across Canada. Discussions will be centred around barriers to entry for new, young and underrepresented farmers, including Indigenous, Black and racialized farmers, newcomers to Canada, women and youth.
International Migration: From Root Causes to Drivers
CERC Migration is holding its 6th annual conference in Toronto, from May 13 to 15, 2025. This 2-day hybrid event will explore the complex drivers of migration, from social and economic factors to the role of advanced digital technologies, and more.
Canada Retraining and Opportunities Initiative supports workforce planning and skills training in communities significantly impacted by a mass layoff. It provides funding for community-based projects that help workers develop skills to transition to new jobs. Apply before March 31, 2025. The call may close earlier if funding has been fully committed. Questions: EDSC.DGOP.ICPPPE-CROI.POB.ESDC@servicecanada.gc.ca.
OTF Capital grants provide funding over one year to help organizations respond to the capital needs of Ontario’s communities. In the Capital grant stream, OTF funds projects that update buildings, enhance physical spaces, and purchase fixed and non-fixed equipment so people and communities can thrive. Deadline: Wednesday, March 5, 2025.
The Law Foundation of Ontario’s Catalyst program provides established nonprofit organizations that are working to advance access to justice in Ontario with core operating (organizational and program) funding to improve their ability to deliver programs and services, and to respond to emerging needs. Deadline: February 28, 2025, by 5 p.m. EST.
Municipalities Under Pressure: The Human and Financial Cost of Ontario’s Homelessness Crisis
This report provides a comprehensive, province-wide analysis of homelessness. Developed in collaboration with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), the Ontario Municipal Social Services Association (OMSSA), and the Northern Ontario Service Deliverers Association (NOSDA), the report offers an unprecedented examination of the scale, scope, and systemic changes required to effectively address homelessness in Ontario.
Reforming Settlement Services to Include Temporary Migrants
This Policy Preview addresses recent efforts to expand eligibility for services to temporary residents by outlining recent policy changes and consultations about federally funded services, and assessing recent initiatives that provide settlement and integration services to temporary migrants. A BMRC/IRMU research paper by Hya Ali, John Shields and Valerie Preston, January 2025.
International student graduates’ labour market early outcomes
Using data from the 2023 National Graduates Survey (class of 2020), this study by Statistics Canada examines the early labour market outcomes of international student graduates relative to Canadian graduates who remained in Canada three years after completing their education.