OCASI latest articles

Message from the Executive Director

Over the past year OCASI and some of its members have been intimately engaged with the debate on the Canada Jobs Grant program and the implications for Ontario's newly arrived immigrant populations and other groups with little or no labour market attachment (which makes them EI ineligible); supported  the campaign to increase the minimum wage to $14/hour; took every opportunity to speak about the need to increase social assistance rates including ODSP (Disability support program) and the need for a boost to the Ontario Child Benefits program. Needless to say there was great anticipation about the 2014 provincial budget. Imagine then the response to the not unexpected decision of the opposition parties to withhold support for the budget, setting the stage for a provincial campaign and an election in mid-June.

OCASI - CERIS Joint Panel on Bill 161

Ontario’s Minister of Citizenship and Immigration tabled the province’s first-ever immigration legislation on February 19, 2014, Bill 161, An Act with respect to immigration to Ontario and a related amendment to the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991. On April 15, OCASI and CERIS held a very successful joint panel event to discuss the implications of the Bill.

OCASI Submission on Bill C-24 - Citizenship

OCASI appeared before the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration on April 30, 2014 to make submissions on Bill C24 - Strengthening Canadian Citizenship Act .

The Bill was introduced by the federal government on February 6, 2014. The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration has said that Bill is meant to reduce citizenship fraud, increase efficiency of the system and reduce backlogs.
