OCASI latest articles

OCASI Comments on Temporary Foreign Worker Program Compliance Framework


OCASI has submitted comments on the federal government's proposed compliance framework for the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) and International Mobility Program (IMP). An overview of proposed regulatory changes was provided in an Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) discussion paper, “Regulatory proposals to enhance the Temporary Foreign Worker Program and International Mobility Program compliance framework” and interested parties were asked to submit comments.

Taking the Pulse of the Immigrant and Refugee-Serving Sector

Since the millennium, Ontario's immigrant and refugee-serving sector has been witness to significant shifts in the kinds of programs and services required to meet the needs of immigrants and refugees. There has been a shift in demographics in terms of countries of origin beginning about a quarter century ago, but as important has been the later change in the education levels, employment experience and official languages facility of new arrivals.

OCASI ED Debbie Douglas Receives the 2014 UARR Race Relations Award


The board and staff of OCASI - Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants is delighted to congratulate Debbie Douglas, Executive Director, on being awarded the Race Relations Award by the Urban Alliance on Race Relations (UARR). Debbie was honoured along with other Award recipients at the UARR 39th Anniversary and 2014 Awards Dinner held in Toronto on Thursday September 18, 2014. She was nominated by Hon. Jean Augustine, Fairness Commissioner (Ontario).

Vulnerable Workers Priority for Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety System


Ontario’s first-ever integrated strategy for occupational health and safety is designed to prevent injuries, illnesses and fatalities and to improve the delivery of workplace health and safety. The five-year strategy was developed by the Ontario Ministry of Labour in consultation with business, labour groups, health and safety associations and residents of Ontario. The strategy includes targeted outreach to raise awareness about the rights and responsibilities of workers and their employers.
