OCASI latest articles

OCASI Membership Votes Yes for Francophone Inclusion

OCASI Member Agencies voted unanimously in support of a By-Law change at the Council's 2014 Annual General Meeting, to create a designated Francophone Director position on the Board of Directors. This show of solidarity with our minority Francophone membership, demonstrates member agencies commitment to inclusive practices in the immigrant and refugee serving sector in Ontario.

OCASI Accessibility Initiative wins CRRF Award

On November 18, 2014, the Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants was recognized by the Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF) ‎for it's Accessibility Program with the 2014 Award of Excellence. The CRRF Awards of Excellence pays tribute to public, private and voluntary organizations whose efforts represent best practices in building awareness and understanding of Canadian values and identity that are reflective of Canadian diversity.

Telling Tales

It is a cliché that the only constant is change. But all clichés have their truths. We are living in a season of change. We have witnessed exponential changes to the Immigration and Refugee Protection program. We are engaged in discussion (and debates) on changing how public services are delivered and funded. We are questioning and looking to change the way relationships of influence are established and utilized, and whose interests become paramount or are sidelined and ignored.
