OCASI latest articles

Looking Ahead


January 2017

The year has begun with a sense of optimism on the policy front. In the dying days of 2016, there was a flurry of activities coming out of Ottawa as the Federal government announced one policy directive after the other.

Apply Now For Group Training

Are you funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and/or Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration (MCI)?

OCASI is accepting applications for In-House Group Training under the Professional Education and Training Project (PET).

PET has lots of funds waiting to help you meet your professional development needs – funding to assist you with delivering in-house group training topics for all your staff!

NOTE:  We have increased the maximum funds from $2000 to $2,500 for this fiscal year!

Un an plus tard, l'accueil des Syriens

Un an après l’arrivée des premiers Syriens au Canada,  dans le cadre d’un important mouvement de réinstallation, les organismes au service des nouveaux arrivants et de parrainage tiennent à saluer et à remercier les innombrables Canadiens qui ont contribué individuellement et collectivement au parrainage et à l’accueil des réfugiés.
