OCASI latest articles

OCASI Response to National Consultations on Immigration

IRCC Questions:

Strengthening our Canadian fabric

  • How many newcomers should we welcome to Canada in 2017 and beyond?
  • How can we best support newcomers to ensure they become successful members of our communities?
  • Do we have the balance right among the immigration programs or streams? If not, what priorities should form the foundation of Canada's immigration planning?


Positive Spaces Initiative (PSI) Training

OCASI is excited to announce 16 hours of facilitator-led training by the Positive Spaces Initiative that addresses all components of service delivery within the Settlement Services for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Queer/Questioning (LGBTQ) communities. OCASI is seeking agencies that serve or have an interest in serving LGBTQ newcomers to participate in these exciting trainings, which are FREE OF CHARGE!

Where do the trainings take place?



Getting started on the writing of my piece this month was difficult. I couldn’t land on themes I wanted to explore, information or opinions I wanted to share or even random thoughts. It took me a while to realize that I couldn’t focus on one or two things because there is so much going on - so much noise, so much news, so much discord, too many deaths. It all feels heavy and urgent and complex.

Call for Regularization of Immigration Status in Canada

[La version française se trouve plus loin]

Call for Regularization of Immigration Status in Canada

A countless number of residents are without immigration status in Canada. The Canadian immigration and refugee system has clearly failed the many people who have become or been made to be undocumented, for a multitude of reasons.
