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OCASI’s Anti-Islamophobia, Xenophobia, and Racism Campaign Pushes Torontonians to Examine Their Beliefs


June 20, 2016/Toronto - Today, on World Refugee Day, OCASI calls on all Ontarians to create welcoming communities for refugees and to play a meaningful role in eliminating barriers that prevent refugees from fully participating in Canadian society.

The United Nations says, “Every minute eight people leave everything behind to escape war, persecution or terror.” This does not mean that people arrive to safety or that they are welcomed immediately by any country, be it neighboring or far away.

In Memoriam

Sometimes symmetry is what you don’t want to happen, even when it benefits one’s cause. This is the situation we find ourselves in as we launch the first phase of the Council’s campaign against racism, Islamophobia and xenophobia. In our very many discussions and debates about the content, analysis, tone and messaging of the campaign we talked about competing isms, about intersectionalities, about social construction of identities and about the very real soul destroying experiences of individuals and communities who are marginalized, excluded and ‘othered’ within our society.

OCASI Accepting Applications for Group Training

OCASI is accepting applications for In-House Group Training under the Professional Education and Training Project (PET). The OCASI PET project provides financial support to settlement service providers to assist with organizational capacity building.

Due to scarce funds for professional development of the sector, OCASI is working to maximize the impact of PET program funds. To that end agencies interested in accessing funds are encouraged to undertake a needs assessment to identify organizational and/or staff training needs.
