
In the Field Newsletter Volume 111

We can exhale as a sector now that the federal election is behind us and we have at least a month or two before we turn our attention to the scheduled Ontario provincial election in June 2022 and the Ontario Municipal elections in October 2022. I have been asked over the past couple of weeks since the election what I’m hoping to see out of this new Parliament. There is much but the priorities are as follows.



Partagez votre histoire de la pandémie

Racontez-nous comment vous avez soutenu les personnes réfugiées, immigrantes et migrantes au cours de la pandémie. OCASI est en train de créer une collection d'histoires du secteur des services aux immigrants et aux réfugiés de l'Ontario à propos de la pandémie de COVID-19.

In the Field Newsletter Volume 110

The announcement of the federal election call and the news about the escalating crisis in Afghanistan occurred within hours of each other, the latter threatening to derail the former before the campaigns had even begun. Immigrant serving organizations, particularly those with refugee resettlement programs went on high alert, memories of six years ago- another campaign, another humanitarian crisis, all too fresh.


En français

Share Your Pandemic Story

Tell us how you supported refugees, immigrants and migrants during the pandemic. OCASI is creating a collection of stories from Ontario’s immigrant and refugee-serving sector during the COVID-19 pandemic.

We want to collect and publicly share your experience of working through such an unprecedented time, in recognition of your hard work, creativity and sheer determination to be there for the people and communities you support.

OCASI Welcomes New Oath/Affirmation of Citizenship

Toronto / June 23, 2021 - OCASI – Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants commends the government on implementing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s (TRC) Call to Action 94 on June 21, 2021, National Indigenous Peoples Day by amending the Citizenship Act.

From June 22, 2021 new citizens will swear the new oath, making a commitment to uphold treaties with Indigenous peoples as well as other commitments to Canada.

AAP Conférence virtuelle de développement professionnel OCASI 2021

Conférence virtuelle de développement professionnel OCASI 2021 AAP


20, 21 et 22 octobre 2021

Date limite de soumission prolongée au : vendredi 30 juillet 2021

Cliquez ici pour l'appel à propositions en anglais [English Call For Proposals]

Faites défiler vers le bas pour le lien vers le formulaire de soumission en ligne.

2021 Virtual OCASI Professional Development Conference CFP


October 20, 21 and 22, 2021

EXTENDED! Deadline for submissions: Friday, July 30, 2021

Click here for call for proposals in French [en français]

Scroll down for the link to the online submission form.

OCASI – Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants invites you to submit a session proposal for the 2021 Virtual OCASI Professional Development Conference.
