OCASI latest articles

OCASI Presentation to Changing Workplaces Review

OCASI appeared before the Special Advisors to the Changing Workplaces Review (CWR) on June 16, 2015 to share recommendations on how the Employment Standards Act should be changed to better protect workers. The submission focused on growing precarious and low-wage work, and vulnerability of migrant workers and workers without immigration status.

GEO Training for Employment & Settlement Service Providers

Global Experience Ontario (GEO) is an information centre of the Ministry of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade that guides internationally trained individuals through the process of becoming certified or licensed to work in one of Ontario's non-health regulated professions or skilled trades. 

GEO invites you to attend one of our upcoming training workshops - Licensing in Ontario's Regulated Professions - for employment and settlement service providers working with internationally trained individuals.  

OCASI Report on Settlement and Housing

Settling in a new country means finding a new home, literally.  As they search for housing, Canadian immigrant and refugee women can face some of the biggest barriers. They often need expert advice that fits their complex needs, including their immigration status, housing affordability and eligibility requirements for specific housing programs.
