OCASI latest articles

Invitation to a public meeting informing Torontonians how they may assist Syrian refugees


The purpose of this meeting is to provide Torontonians with information and tangible action plans around how to assist people impacted by the ongoing refugee crisis. We have been hearing that, while several Canadians have already opened their homes, many more do not know how to get involved with  the various initiatives currently taking place in Toronto or where to obtain the necessary information.

Opening our Doors


There is a campaign underway that is not about electing our next federal parliament. Though intrinsically linked because political leadership and political will determine the success or failure of this campaign, Canadians have awoken to something bigger than themselves. We have been reminded of who we are as a people, privileged, generous and eager to do our part in stemming the tide of human misery as visited on our fellow human beings from the Middle-east and Africa.

In Solidarity


As our long winter turned to spring earlier this year, a new campaign was launched to get Torontonians excited about becoming socially and politically involved by looking outside themselves, putting out a hand, and joining a campaign bent on saving lives: Lifeline Syria.

Political Parties Respond to OCASI Questions for General Election 2015

OCASI canvassed the major political parties for their views on seven questions that are of interest to OCASI member agencies and Ontario's immigrant and refugee communities. Included are questions on settlement services for immigrants and refugees, refugee sponsorship, family reunification, citizenship and permanent residency for migrant workers.

The questions were sent on August 5, 2015 to the following: Conservative Party, Green Party, Liberal Party and New Democratic Party. Please see below for the responses received to-date (in the order of receipt):
