OCASI latest articles

Newcomer Settlement Sector launches national report on Services for Migrant Workers

Media release

March 29, 2016 – A new report concludes that all migrant workers should have access to settlement services and permanent residence. The report, “Migrant Workers: Precarious and Unsupported”, released today by Canada’s nine national, regional and provincial umbrellas of organizations serving newcomers, compiles the responses from 167 organizations on the needs and realities of migrant workers, by province and region..

OCASI at the 18th National Metropolis Conference

Debbie Douglas, Executive Director was Co-Chair of the 18th National Metropolis Conference held in Toronto from March 3-5, 2016. (Click here for Debbie’s welcome remarks).

OCASI also had a strong presence throughout the conference at plenary sessions, and as presenter and organizer at the following concurrent breakout sessions:
