OCASI latest articles

Submission On Bill 27 - Working For Workers Act

Toronto / November18, 2021

OCASI made a written submission to the Standing Committee on Social Policy on Bill 27: Working for Workers Act, 2021.

The Bill proposes certain changes that are intended to address exploitation and abuse by recruiters. It is not certain if these proposals will be effective. Other proposals in the Bill have the potential to harm workers.

In the Field Newsletter Volume 113

We enter this last month of the calendar year with increasing alarm and some frustration as new variants of the COVID-19 are detected here at home and throughout the world. Frustration- or at least mine, comes from the knee jerk response of the Canadian and other high income countries quickly moving to shut their borders primarily to travellers from countries in the Global South and South Africa.

Giving Thanks

December 2021 / Toronto

We enter this last month of the calendar year with increasing alarm and some frustration as new variants of the COVID-19 are detected here at home and throughout the world. Frustration- or at least mine, comes from the knee jerk response of the Canadian and other high income countries quickly moving to shut their borders primarily to travellers from countries in the Global South, in this case countries in southern Africa including South Africa (not considered a global south country).
