OCASI latest articles

In the Field Newsletter Volume 117

The reported atrocities across Ukraine have added to the urgency to respond felt by Ukrainian and other concerned communities here in Canada. Since the federal government rolled out the special Temporary Resident pathway- CUAET (Canada Ukrainian Authorization for Emergency Travel) about three weeks ago, over ninety-thousand applications have been received with more than fifty thousand of these applicants applying for the three-year open work permit. Others have applied for student visas. The balance are the children and the elderly.

2022 Forum des Leaders d'OCASI - Appel aux propositions

Date limite pour la soumission de propositions : mercredi, le 15 juin 2022 à 24h00 heure avancée de l'Est

Le Forum des Leaders d'OCASI accueillera les leaders de longue date et émergeants au sein des organismes membres d'OCASI et des organismes au service des immigrants et des réfugiés de l'Ontario.

Ce Forum constituera le premier grand événement d'OCASI en mode présentiel depuis plus de deux ans. Au cours d'une telle période, il y a eu un nombre important de changements dans le domaine de l'immigration et de la protection des réfugiés.

We Can No Longer Wait To Address Anti-Black Hate

TORONTO, May 17, 2022 - "Milk, eggs, cereal for tomorrow's breakfast, and chicken for dinner tonight because we ran out." Many family and friends, we imagine, would have had a similar conversation as they went through the checklist before their loved ones headed off on one of the most mundane and unremarkable of human rituals, the weekend run to the supermarket.

The Time to Act is Now

May 2022 / Toronto

“Happy Mother’s Day to the moms separated by violent borders and imperialism”* was a tweet that crossed my screen early on Mother’s Day as I prepared to visit my own mother, ever thankful that my own separation from the woman who birthed me was a short three years, though as a child it felt like a lifetime. The tweet was from a feminist, anti-racist Black mother of a Black son whose community has experienced war, displacement and migration.

Employment Equity Act Review

April 2022 / Toronto

Remove the term “visible minority”, use the term “racialized people” as a designated group and remove citizenship status discrimination. These are some of the recommendations we made in a joint submission to the Federal Employment Equity Act Review Task Force. Read the joint submission by Colour of Poverty – Colour of Change, South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario and OCASI.
