OCASI latest articles

Election 2022 - A Fair And Equitable Ontario

May 5, 2022 / Toronto — Thursday June 2, 2022 is election day in Ontario.

OCASI calls on the next government to commit to a fair and equitable Ontario for everyone, where refugees, immigrants and migrants can thrive.

This brief guide lists the main concerns for refugees, immigrants and migrants and proposes solutions. Between now and election day, ask candidates what they will do to support these solutions.

Are you on social media? Share our solutions or ask questions of candidates — #elxn2022.

Toronto Refugee Rights Day 2022


Come Celebrate!

Join us at our virtual commemoration of Refugee Rights Day in Toronto brought to you by Toronto Refugee Rights Day Planning Committee.

MONDAY, APRIL 4, 2022 FROM 1 PM - 2 PM


  • Refugee speakers and musicians
  • Refugee Rights Day Proclamation by Toronto Mayor John Tory

Emceed by Debbie Douglas – OCASI

American Sign Language interpretation provided.

This is a free event and you can join us from anywhere on the planet.

In the Field Newsletter Volume 116

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them”. This quote, often attributed to celebrated and well-loved African-American poet and author, Maya Angelou, appeared time and again on my various social media platforms as primarily Black, Asian and Arab people found themselves gaslighted, contradicted and called out, for raising concerns about the treatment of Black and racialized people, primarily international students attempting to flee the devastating war in Ukraine.
