OCASI latest articles



Partagez votre histoire de la pandémie

Racontez-nous comment vous avez soutenu les personnes réfugiées, immigrantes et migrantes au cours de la pandémie. OCASI est en train de créer une collection d'histoires du secteur des services aux immigrants et aux réfugiés de l'Ontario à propos de la pandémie de COVID-19.

In the Field Newsletter Volume 110

The announcement of the federal election call and the news about the escalating crisis in Afghanistan occurred within hours of each other, the latter threatening to derail the former before the campaigns had even begun. Immigrant serving organizations, particularly those with refugee resettlement programs went on high alert, memories of six years ago- another campaign, another humanitarian crisis, all too fresh.


En français

Share Your Pandemic Story

Tell us how you supported refugees, immigrants and migrants during the pandemic. OCASI is creating a collection of stories from Ontario’s immigrant and refugee-serving sector during the COVID-19 pandemic.

We want to collect and publicly share your experience of working through such an unprecedented time, in recognition of your hard work, creativity and sheer determination to be there for the people and communities you support.
