Position Papers & Backgrounders

Déclaration d’OCASI sur la Charte des valeurs québécoises

Comme organisme engagé dans les droits des personnes et l'équité, OCASI- Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants est profondément préoccupé par le fait que la Charte des valeurs québécoises proposée, va discriminer et marginaliser les femmes et les hommes appartenant aux groupes et communautés en quête d'équité.

OCASI Input on Canada's Immigrant Settlement Policy - December 2013

OCASI – Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants as well as other sector umbrella organizations across Canada were given the opportunity to provide a written submission to CIC NHQ with further input and suggestions on Canada's settlement policy following the conclusion of the National Settlement Conference Vision 2020.

Proposed immigration sponsorship changes will keep families apart

The changes to family sponsorship announced recently by the federal government will make it more difficult to sponsor children, and parents and grandparents and will ultimately keep Canadian immigrant families apart.

The proposed changes with respect to the sponsorship of parents and grandparents, and dependent children were announced on May 10 by Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Jason Kenney.

Ontario Budget 2013 has limited gains: OCASI Comments on Ontario Budget 2013

Ontario Budget 2013 tabled in the legislature on May 2, 2013 includes some benefits for immigrants and refugees. However, the continuing emphasis on austerity and balancing the budget will have an overall negative impact on these populations.

OCASI is deeply disappointed that the Budget fails to make equity-focused investments that would make a positive difference.

Overall Budget

Executive Director Reflections on International Migrants’ Day, December 18, 2012

December 18 is International Migrants' Day. In Canada there is much to reflect on. The strides we've made over the past decades in creating a nation that is welcoming, that values the contribution of immigrants and that takes its obligation to protecting those in need of asylum and refuge seriously.

Conditional Permanent Residence rules will put immigrant women and children at risk

 OCASI – Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants is deeply disturbed by the implementation today, of ‘conditional permanent residence' for some sponsored spouses and partners. The Council is concerned that this measure will increase inequalities in relationships between spouses, and would put women in particular at heightened risk of violence.
