Position Papers & Backgrounders

OCASI Statement - Auditor General Report on Ontario PNP Program

December 9, 2014/Toronto - The Auditor General (AG) of Ontario has found serious shortcomings in the Ontario Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) in her 2014 Annual Report, released on Tuesday December 9, 2014. The report makes several important recommendations, which when implemented will bring a transformation to ensure program integrity.

The PNP as a policy tool is critically important to Ontario, Canada's largest province, to compete with other countries as well as provinces and territories for highly qualified immigrants. 

OCASI Comments on Temporary Foreign Worker Program Compliance Framework


OCASI has submitted comments on the federal government's proposed compliance framework for the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) and International Mobility Program (IMP). An overview of proposed regulatory changes was provided in an Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) discussion paper, “Regulatory proposals to enhance the Temporary Foreign Worker Program and International Mobility Program compliance framework” and interested parties were asked to submit comments.

Racial Justice Analysis of 2nd Ontario Poverty Reduction Strategy


Colour of Poverty - Colour of Change (COP-COC) commends the Ontario Government for its ongoing commitment to poverty reduction, expressed through the release of its second Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS), Realizing Our Potential – Ontario's Poverty Reduction Strategy (2014-2019) on September 3, 2014. In it the Government reaffirmed its commitment to “reducing poverty among children and youth through targeted investments and supports”, and adds a new focus on ending homelessness while moving towards employment and income security, particularly for “vulnerable populations”.

OCASI Submission on Bill C-24 - Citizenship

OCASI appeared before the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration on April 30, 2014 to make submissions on Bill C24 - Strengthening Canadian Citizenship Act .

The Bill was introduced by the federal government on February 6, 2014. The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration has said that Bill is meant to reduce citizenship fraud, increase efficiency of the system and reduce backlogs.

OCASI Comments on Federal Budget 2014

The federal budget tabled in the House of Commons on Tuesday February 11, 2014 cuts transfer payments to Ontario. The decrease (projected at $641m) will potentially negatively impact on Ontario’s ability to maintain commitments to social programs and services that benefit vulnerable and marginalized populations.

The following is OCASI’s preliminary comments on the federal budget, focused on areas that directly impact our sector (broadly defined):

OCASI Comments On Proposed Citizenship Changes

OCASI has prepared a preliminary analysis of Bill C-24, the Citizenship amendment Act tabled in the House of Commons on Thursday February 6, 2014. We will develop a fuller analysis as we continue to review the Bill and prepare for public comment opportunities through the Parliamentary Standing Committee later in the year.

The government has already doubled the citizenship application fees from $200 to $400. The change is already in effect and will remain so regardless of what happens to Bill C-24.
