OCASI latest articles

OCASI Statement for International Women's Day 2023

March 8, 2023 / Toronto

On March 8, 2023 we are in solidarity with our sisters in Ontario, Canada, and around the world as we fight collectively for gender justice, racial justice and migrant justice.

It is now more than three years since the onset of the unprecedented global health, social and economic crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic. Deeply-rooted inequalities in our society have taken a heavier toll on Indigenous, Black and racialized women; on refugees and migrants and women without immigration status. But it has cost us all.

Access is a four letter F word (Fair)

March 2023 / Toronto

My inbox has been filled these past weeks of this new year with pleas for support for women facing deportation orders, some with Canadian born children still breastfeeding.

In almost all cases they’ve exhausted all appeals and have thrown themselves on the mercy of the Canadian government by filing a Humanitarian and Compassionate (H&C) application. An H&C can take up to three years or more to process, and does not delay or stop a deportation order. The success rates is less than fifty percent.

Thoughts on Things

February 2023 / Toronto

The new year dawned with me in a security line heading out of Kenya’s international airport in Nairobi. It was my first sojourn to East Africa and I marveled at the majority of white faces around me. Judging from the immigration control lines which they joined, many are representatives of international NGOs including UN Agencies or returning spouses of Black Kenyan migrants to Europe and North America.
