
OCASI Accepting Applications for Group Training

OCASI is accepting applications for In-House Group Training under the Professional Education and Training Project (PET). The OCASI PET project provides financial support to settlement service providers to assist with organizational capacity building.

Due to scarce funds for professional development of the sector, OCASI is working to maximize the impact of PET program funds. To that end agencies interested in accessing funds are encouraged to undertake a needs assessment to identify organizational and/or staff training needs.

Report on Trauma and Refugee Mental Health Training

Report on Trauma and Refugee Mental Health Training

In partnership with Hong Fook and the Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture (CCVT), OCASI is pleased to report that the Council has been providing training for front-line workers in OCASI member agencies, on war trauma and refugee mental health. In-person training sessions have begun across the province.

The main objectives of the training are:

OCASI at the 18th National Metropolis Conference

Debbie Douglas, Executive Director was Co-Chair of the 18th National Metropolis Conference held in Toronto from March 3-5, 2016. (Click here for Debbie’s welcome remarks).

OCASI also had a strong presence throughout the conference at plenary sessions, and as presenter and organizer at the following concurrent breakout sessions:

OCASI Statement: Priorities For The New Government Of Canada

October 28, 2015/Toronto - As the newly elected government of Canada is set to be sworn into office, OCASI is encouraged by the Prime Minister Designate's leadership in countering a growing divisiveness and xenophobia through an expression of unity and appreciation of diversity in Canada. We look forward to the full realization of that message through strong public policy measures, including public education initiatives that will build equitable opportunities for all Canadian residents.
