Urban Heart @ Toronto: An Evidence-based Standard for Measuring the Well-being of Toronto's Neighbourhoods
Urban HEART stands for "Urban Health Equity Assessment and Response Tool."
Urban HEART stands for "Urban Health Equity Assessment and Response Tool."
CACHC is excited to announce the launch of the inaugural Canadian Community Health Centres Organizational Survey. Developed through the leadership of CACHC's Research Working Group, this brief online survey aims to increase understanding of Community Health Centres (CHCs) across Canada and the breadth of services and programs that they provide.
In response to drastic cuts to the Interim Federal Health (IFH) program in Canada, 2012 was marked by historic mobilizations where health care workers and allies took to the streets, occupied Conservative MP offices,
With the implementation of the cuts to the Interim Federal Health (IFH) program in June 2012, there has been a significant amount of confusion around the coverage of health care for refugees and refugee claimants.
This December 12, 2012 webinar will consider the impact of July 2012 changes the IFH on refugees and refugee claimants needing health care. To register for this free webinar facilitated by healthcare professionals and researchers in immigrant and refugee healthcare, you will need to first create a login account.
“Envisioning LGBT Refugee Rights in Canada: Exploring Asylum Issues (June 2012)” is the first report created by the Envisioning project.
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