The CCR has published some answers to frequent questions about refugees entering from US and Safe Third Country: Refugees entering from US and Safe Third Country: FAQ
The following are some frequently asked questions about refugee claimants arriving from the US.
For more information and links about the Safe Third Country Agreement, see also this page.
- Why are there more people crossing from US into Canada to make refugee claims?
- Why do people cross irregularly?
- What is the Safe Third Country Agreement?
- Why is the US not safe for refugees?
- What happens to refugee claimants who cross irregularly?
- What are the security concerns when refugee claimants cross irregularly?
- If the Safe Third Country Agreement were suspended, would there be a significant increase in claimants coming to Canada?
- The US courts have suspended the Executive Order instituting the “travel ban”: does this mean that refugees are safe in the US?
- What can I do?
Other questions:
- What if a person has made a claim in the US (and been rejected)?
- Can people flee to Canada on basis of discrimination in the US?
- What services and government programs are refugee claimants entitled to?
- What is the difference between “refugee”, “refugee claimant” and “asylum seeker”?
- What is the difference between refugee resettlement (e.g. the Syrians resettled to Canada) and the refugee claim process?