OCASI latest articles

Cuts To Community Legal Clinics

OCASI sent a letter to Finance Minister Bill Morneau and Justice Minister David Lametti asking for urgent federal government action to provide financial support for community legal clinics.

Community Legal Clinics (CLCs) are funded by Legal Aid Ontario. On June 12, 2019 Legal Aid Ontario announced funding cuts that will result in a decrease to the clinic system budget of approximately $15 million, or 16%. Among those most affected are certain specialized legal clinics and Toronto neighbourhood clinics - clinics that engage in test case and law reform work.

This And That

June 2019/Toronto - I sit down to write this blog (or as my colleagues call it- rant-) with a mixed sense of anticipation and trepidation. An emotional potpourri – in the hodgepodge/ragbag meaning, not deodorizer or freshener sense.

These past weeks have been interesting as I spent time in gorgeous Victoria, BC at the semi-annual Consultation of the Canadian Council for Refugees (CCR) with like-minded activists and good-hearted Canadians wanting to make a difference in the lives of refugees and (im)migrants.

The Basics of Canada Child Benefit (CCB) - A Webinar for Service Providers


The Canada Child Benefit (CCB) is a tax-free monthly payment made to eligible families to help with the cost of raising children. This benefit was introduced by the Federal government in 2016 to help low- and middle-income families with the cost of raising children under the age of 18. While the CCB is an important tool for poverty reduction, it excludes certain children based on immigration status of their parents.
