In the Field Newsletter Volume 90


Discerning the Arc

Photo of Debbie Douglas On the first day of January as I waited for glimpses of a dawning day through a south facing window, I was struck by feelings of anticipation that I was having that is highly unusual for me at the start of a new year. In the past it was more about remembering to change the year when writing the date and otherwise it was just another day, albeit without the hangovers of my younger years.

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Logo of Mentorprise
Social Enterprise for Canada has developed Mentorprise™ - a culture of occupation-specific mentoring throughout York Region, fostering connections and networks for skilled immigrants and enhancing their access to the labour market.



Join Settlenet.Org / Réseau-Etab.Org

Logo of / Réseau-Etab.orgJoin / Ré to learn, share, connect, and collaborate with people in your field. Our members are encouraged to engage in ongoing professional development opportunities on the platform. Visit the site to enrol in webinars, access conference materials, read or submit articles, and connect with your peers across Canada.

Sondage Etablissement.Org

Logo of Etablissement.orgSi vous êtes un nouveau arrivant qui utilise Etablissement.Org, vous pouvez nous aider à améliorer notre site Web avec un sondage. Vous pouvez gagner une carte cadeau !

Remplir le sondage ici »

Why Agencies Love OCMS

Banner of OCMSAn OCMS user tells us, “Thanks for a great product. Using OCMS has helped us track and understand our client and service needs across 3 regions, report results easily and consistently, make better informed decisions around resources and make impactful business case arguments for support and funding...great communication, timely responses…”

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Seeking Refugee stories

WelcomeOntario, the refugee assistance information hub of Ontario is looking for stories from Settlement workers working with refugees, sponsored refugees, and private sponsors. Your unique story or program should not go unnoticed, so drop us a line at

Nous recherchons des récits de réfugiés

AccueilOntario, le centre d'information d'aide aux réfugiés d'Ontario est à la recherche de témoignages de travailleurs d'établissement qui collaborent avec des réfugiés, réfugiés parrainés et les parrains de réfugiés. Votre histoire ou programme mérite plus d’attention, alors écrivez-nous à


CWF Annual Grants 2020

Logo of Canadian Women's FoundationCanadian Women’s Foundation (CWF) is accepting proposals for Annual Grants. Approximately 23 grants will be selected up to a maximum of $20,000 each; and apply for additional funding up to $3,000 to assist with access costs. Apply for grants in: Gender-based violence, Economic security, Girls’ empowerment and Inclusive leadership. Deadline: February 27, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. PST

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Ask An Expert Live

Logo of CAMHJoin CAMH’s Immigrant & Refugee Mental Health Project online "Ask an expert" live session with Bonnie Wong. You will have the opportunity to pose questions related to your work with immigrants and refugees 12:00 pm - 12:45 pm, January 29, 2020. Of interest to settlement, social and health service providers.

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Common Good Retirement Plan

Logo of CommonGoodCommon Good has submitted a formal proposal to the Government of Canada to fund the creation and growth of the Common Good Retirement Plan, for full-time, part-time and contract/freelance workers of all income levels in the nonprofit sector. Take 5 minutes to write to Prime Minister Trudeau, other key ministers, and your local Member of Parliament.

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Defend Disability

Logo of Defend DisabilityThe Ontario Government proposes to change the definition of disability used to determine eligibility for the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), more like definitions used for federal government benefit programs. People with disabilities who qualify for ODSP now would not qualify under the new definition. Take action! Let’s preserve the dignity and supports of people with disabilities in Ontario.

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Inroads to Entrepreneurship Webinar

Immigrants face the same challenges in starting a new business as entrepreneurs anywhere, but face additional roadblocks. What can smaller cities do to support aspiring immigrant entrepreneurs and ensure they lay down the roots for a successful business and new life in the community? In this webinar learn how the cities of Fredericton (NB) and Peterborough (ON) provide those inroads.

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Report: Public Pension Benefits And Low Income Immigrant Seniors

Results from the 2016 Census: Examining the effect of public pension benefits on the low income of senior immigrants, a new study released December 4, looks at the factors associated with low income among immigrant seniors using data from the 2016 Census, with a particular focus on the role of OAS and GIS benefits.

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OTF seed grant applications are open

Ontario Trillium Foundation grant applications for various funding streams are open. Apply for a Seed Grant by February 26, Grow Grant by August 12 or a Capital Grant by November 18. Review grant deadlines and contact OTF to discuss your application or project.

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