OCASI latest articles


November 2019 / Toronto - My social media accounts were buzzing with righteous and rightful (if there’s such a word) indignation about comments made on a hockey game show by the host of Coach’s Corner Don Cherry. I’ve often been surprised that he continued to get airtime on our public network.

He first came into my consciousness when about twelve years ago or maybe longer he went on an insulting diatribe against people he called ‘left-wing pinkos’ or worse during the swearing in of the then Toronto Mayor-elect Rob Ford.

In the Field Newsletter Volume 86

The rallying cry for Labour Day 2019 in Ontario was ‘Unite Against Racism’. The slogan and sentiment meant to acknowledge the troubling rise in white supremacy and xenophobia across the province and the country signaled a coming together of progressive forces to combat this scourge that has a material impact on the lives of Black, Indigenous and people of colour, including racialized (im)migrants and refugees.

Allin4Canada Key Messages and Talking Points

October 10, 2019

What we want
We want policies and services that support immigrants and refugees so they can thrive as members of our communities.

This must include a meaningful discussion about the reality of structural racism in Canada. It robs newcomers and our communities of the opportunity to realize their full potential. Let’s face divisions head on and focus on strategies that we know work to foster greater equality, unity, individual and community wellbeing, and shared prosperity. We can do better.

9 points to talk over turkey this weekend

October 10, 2019

Countering misinformation about immigrants and refugees in Canada

Federal elections are about the battle of ideas over what kind of Canada we want to be—and sometimes things get heated.

Then there are the tough conversations. A recent Samara survey of Canadian social media users, for instance, says Canadians find it more difficult to have conversations about issues like immigration and multiculturalism.
