OCASI Action Plan To End Labour Force Systemic Barriers



Toronto / July 28, 2021

OCASI made submissions to the Ontario Workforce Recovery Advisory Committee (OWRAC). The Committee was established by the Ontario government to provide recommendations to shape the future of work in our province.

The OCASI submission puts forward an Action Plan to end the labour force underutilization of immigrant talent in Ontario.

OCASI states:

Given the urgent need to strengthen our economy for recovery, policy makers must now look ahead and pursue bold and inclusive strategies to rebuild the provincial labour force by ending the persistent underutilization and under-compensation of immigrant talents and skills.

Integrating immigrants effectively into the labour force in a systemic and equitable manner will require commitment to 3 key elements:

  • Commit to inclusive labour market integration
  • Address immigration status barriers
  • Address persistent barriers to registration and labour market integration in regulated professions and trades

Read the full OCASI submission.

OCASI also made a Joint Submission with South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario and Chinese and Southeast Asian Legal Clinic.