On June 11, 2013, OCASI participated in the first-ever Social Change Fair sponsored by the Systemic Issues and Social Change (SISC) Working Group, a partnership between the Toronto South, Toronto North, Toronto East and Toronto West Local Immigration Partnerships (LIPs) and the City of Toronto's Newcomer Office (TNO).
Held at the Metro Hall Rotunda, the event provided an opportunity for organizations advocating for social change to promote their campaigns to each other and the general public. Campaigns represented at the event met the criteria of contributing to a welcoming community and welcoming the participation of new Canadians and diverse populations.
OCASI was invited to showcase the #CdnImm event series, a collaborative, knowledge-sharing initiative for settlement sector professionals stemming from online discussions on Twitter about immigration to Canada. Specifically, OCASI was invited to promote the #CdnImm Twitter hashtag as a way of engaging in conversation about immigrant issues, including raising awareness and advocating around those issues.
Visit the Wiki to learn more about past and future #CdnImm events. Visit Toronto LIP for more information on the SISC Working Group or follow them on Twitter.