In the Field Newsletter Volume 142



Cash Cows And Scapegoats: The Plight Of International Students

“We will have to be nuanced in our response.” I wrote to my Board of Directors, as a follow up to their discussion on the almost daily announcements of changes to the International Students Program from the federal Minister of Immigration. But after hitting send, I wondered how do you nuance the lives of individuals that are being impacted by these changes?

Read the blog »



The Trustee Hub

The Trustee Hub helps Grassroot Groups through mentorship, administrative and financial expertise. It is an initiative of The Neighbourhood Group (formerly St. Stephen’s Community House) to support community-led groups across Toronto who have received grants to carry out their initiatives. The Hub is currently home to 40+ projects that are aligned with TNG`s mission of fostering a better quality of life for all through social and economic justice.

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Statement: OCASI Calls On Speaker To Lift Ban On Keffiyehs

OCASI stands in solidarity with civil society organizations and leaders of all political parties in the Ontario Legislature including the Premier of Ontario by calling on the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to reverse his decision to ban wearing Keffiyehs inside the Parliament’s Chamber.

Read the statement »

Deadline Extension to submit your proposal until May 15th, 2024!

OCASI Leaders’ Forum 2024
Shaping Tomorrow: Navigating Change Together

October 8-10, 2024 / Toronto, ON
Call for Proposals are now open. Please visit the Forum’s website for more information.

Complete the online submission »

La date limite pour soumettre des propositions est reportée au 15 mai 2024 !

Forum des Leaders d'OCASI 2024
Façonner notre lendemain : naviguer ensemble dans les eaux du changement

Du 8 au 10 octobre 2024 / Toronto, ON
L'appel aux propositions est désormais ouvert. Veuillez visiter le site web du Forum pour des informations supplémentaires.

Pour soumettre une proposition, cliquez ici »

OCASI Leaders’ Forum 2024 - Call For Vendors Application

Apply now: Marketplace Display Tables
OCASI Leaders’ Forum 2024 
October 9-10, 2024 / Toronto, ON

Do you have a social enterprise? A small business? Want to promote a program or service?
Application Deadline: Friday, May 31, 2024

Apply for your marketplace display table today! »

Le Forum des Leaders d’OCASI 2024 - Appel aux exposants

Réservez les tables d'exposition à l'espace marché
Forum des Leaders d'OCASI 2024
9-10 octobre 2024 / Toronto, ON

Avez-vous une entreprise sociale? Une petite entreprise? Vous souhaitez promouvoir un programme ou un service?
Date limite pour la soumission d'une demande de participation : vendredi, le 31 mai 2024

Demandez votre table de présentation dès aujourd'hui ! »

Réservez la date !

Sommet francophone d'OCASI 2024
Perspective de Résilience dans un contexte changeant
Le 8 octobre 2024 / Pan Pacific Hotel, Toronto

Plus de renseignements sous peu.

Hold The Date!

Francophone Summit 2024
Resilience perspective in a changing context
October 8th, 2024 / Pan Pacific Hotel, Toronto

More information coming out soon.

Cybersecurity and Privacy Awareness for IRCC-funded organizations / Cybersécurité et protection de la vie privée pour les organismes financés par IRCC

Virtual event / Évènement virtuel 
English sessions on May 14 OR May 16, 2024; Session en français le mercredi 15 mai 2024.

Registration / Inscriptions »

Are You An Ontario-Based Settlement Organization That Receives IRCC Funding?

OCASI PET provides financial support to IRCC funded organizations in Ontario, and their individual staff, to strengthen the organizational capacity of the agencies. Funding is available for the new fiscal year 2024 to 2025. Contact: Beverly Lawrence-Dennis for more details.

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Online Network Forum “Collective Impact: Building a Collaborative Initiative for Small Black-led & Racialized Organizations”

Join us to discuss the Collective Impact of our community organizations Thursday May 30, 2024, 9AM-1PM EDT. Engage with experts, attend breakout room discussions, connect with peers and let's plan for the future of Small Black-led & Racialized Organizations.

Register now »

Newcomer Donation Network Launched

The Newcomer Donation Network (NDN) is a new project from OCASI. It connects public donors and community agencies with assistance offers and allows donors to donate directly to newcomers in their community who need it. 

Visit to learn more and request access for your agency.

Lancement du Réseau de Dons pour les Nouveaux Arrivants

Le Réseau de Dons pour les Nouveaux Arrivants (RDNA) est un nouveau projet d’OCASI. Il met en relation les donateurs et les organismes communautaires, et permet aux donateurs de faire des dons directement aux personnes nouvellement arrivées et de leur communauté dans le besoin.

Rendez-vous sur le site pour en savoir plus et demander l'accès pour votre organisme. 

What’s HIV, how do I get tested, and what happens if I test positive? partnered with the Ontario HIV Treatment Network (OHTN) and HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario (HALCO) to create a set of articles about HIV for newcomer youth. We cover how it’s transmitted, how to get tested, how the law affects people living with HIV in Ontario, and more.

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Nouvelle ressource : Guide Référentiel National : Intersections entre handicap, violence, genre et diversité 

Ce guide référentiel national développé par l'Initiative pour l'Accessibilité d’OCASI vise à améliorer la capacité des prestataires de services pour mieux répondre aux besoins des femmes, filles et personnes de diversité de genre racialisées im/migrantes et réfugiées en situation de handicap et/ou s/Sourdes qui sont victimes de la violence basée sur le genre (VBG). Il explore les intersections entre le handicap, la race, l'immigration et la VBG, offrant des pratiques d'interaction et d’interventions adaptées.

Consulter la ressource »

New toolkit: Gender-based Violence Against Racialized Migrant Women, Girls, and Gender-Diverse People with Disabilities & D/deaf People 

This toolkit is for im/migrant and refugee-serving sector staff and volunteers across Canada working with racialized im/migrant and refugee women, girls, and gender-diverse people with disabilities and D/deaf people. This toolkit aims to enhance the knowledge and capacity of frontline service workers to support im/migrants and D/deaf people experiencing violence.  

Read the toolkit »

Les Inscriptions sont ouvertes pour le Cours National sur l'Accessibilité  

Ce cours auto-dirigé en sept modules vise à soutenir les prestataires de services à travers le Canada pour offrir des services inclusifs et équitables aux francophones im/migrants et réfugiés en situation de handicap et/ou s/Sourds. Il adopte une perspective intersectionnelle, antiraciste et anti-oppressive, examinant les effets du capacitisme et de l'audisme. Il explore également divers types de handicap et informe sur la législation nationale et régionale sur l'accessibilité ainsi que les meilleures pratiques de prestation de services.

Lien vers l'inscription »

National Training on Accessibility

This seven-module, self-directed course is to help immigrant and refugee serving sector practitioners working with im/migrants and refugees communities better understand the barriers and challenges immigrants and refugees with in/visible disabilities experience and to work towards creating welcoming, inclusive, and accessible spaces for these service users. 

Self-enroll »

Unlock Your Agency's Potential with the OCASI Client Management System (OCMS)!

OCMS is a cloud-based data management system that streamlines client services and saves time for workers and clients alike. It is developed by and for the immigrant and refugee serving sector, and is known for its high quality and responsive service. To join our growing list of clients contact us at

Discover OCMS »




#WelcomeToCanada: Act Now to stop the federal government from using prisons for immigration detention – a campaign by Amnesty International.
We need to act now to stop the federal government from doubling down on its harmful immigration detention system. Through the power of the #WelcomeToCanada campaign, all ten provinces are ending immigration detention in their jails!  

Read more and take action »

Information and Updates for International Students

Access information and updates about the latest changes for international students, including limits on study permits, and new rules about work permits for recent graduates and spouses. Brought to you by CLEO Steps to Justice.

Read more »

Photo Portrait Project for New Canadians

Maclean’s Magazine is looking for people to participate in an exciting new portrait project for a new forthcoming issue. Looking for anyone in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) who is new to Canada within the last year or so to have a portrait taken and answer brief questions about story and experience moving to Canada. Photos taken upto May 17, 2024. By Ian Brown Photography.

Contact the photographer directly:

United Against Online Hate: A National Policy Forum on Combating Anti-Asian Racism

Friday, June 7, 2024 1:30 pm EST – Friday, June 7, 2024 4:30 pm EST
Register for this virtual event hosted by the Coalition Against Anti-Asian Racism in Canada (CAAARC) and the Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF). The event is a response to a significant rise in online hate targeting Asian communities in the last few years.

Read more and register »

Nonprofit Driven 2024

Ontario Nonprofit Network is back with Nonprofit Driven, an annual public policy conference. Nonprofit Driven on May 14-15, 2024 at the Toronto Reference Library.  It is a gathering for nonprofit leaders, community organizers, and policymakers to collaborate and form strategic partnerships.

Learn more »

Anti-Racism Education Ontario Conference

Join the Urban Alliance on Race Relations at the Anti-Racism Education Ontario Conference for insightful discussions and practical strategies to combat racism in our society. Virtual on June 4-5, 2024. Free.

Register for the conference »



Failing the Homeless: Barriers in the Ontario Disability Support Program for Homeless People with Disabilities

The report by Street Health describes the experiences of homeless people with disabilities who could not access the ODSP. It identifies key barriers and delays in the ODSP system and makes a number of recommendations to help ensure that homeless people with disabilities can access the ODSP benefits they are entitled to. It also highlights gaps in the overall disability benefits system.

Read the report »

Women in Canada’s changing post-pandemic labour market

This report examines what’s happened to women in the workforce since the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns. It finds mixed reviews: many women in higher-paying jobs are now doing better than before the pandemic. However, women in low-paying, pandemic-vulnerable jobs and in the care economy are still having a rough time of things. Released by Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

Read the report »

Growth by Design Report

A new report by Child Care Now provides a baseline for monitoring the expansion of licensed early learning and child care spaces across Canada since the implementation of the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) Agreements. 

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Seed Grants - Ontario Trillium Foundation

These grants help organizations build resilience and enhance their ability to deliver programs and services that directly benefit community members. Apply for funding to support organizational planning, pilot a new program, and build capacity to plan for future programs and services.
Apply by June 26, 2024 5 PM EST.

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Youth Action Fund - The Laidlaw Foundation

The Youth Action Fund (YAF) provides funding to grassroots initiatives working with young people who are underserved by the education system and overrepresented in the criminal justice and child welfare systems. YAF prioritizes Black and/or Indigenous youth-led initiatives.
Application Deadline: June 25, 2024 by 5PM EST

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