There is a campaign underway that is not about electing our next federal parliament. Though intrinsically linked because political leadership and political will determine the success or failure of this campaign, Canadians have awoken to something bigger than themselves. We have been reminded of who we are as a people, privileged, generous and eager to do our part in stemming the tide of human misery as visited on our fellow human beings from the Middle-east and Africa.
A Community Leadership Program is a fantastic way to bring together emerging and aspiring leaders in the public, private and non-profit sectors of the community. Trillium Foundation has funded a 1-year pilot project for the creation of a Durham Leadership Program, with Community Development Council Durham (CDCD) acting as the lead.
SPARK Ontario ( is a new online platform of opportunities and inspiration for all things volunteering across Ontario. It will let you connect with potential volunteers, tell your stories, and recruit engaged, interested people who want to make a difference. OCASI is a SPARK Ontario partner and encourages you to check out the site.
Secteur Etablissement.Org
Le site SecteurEtablissement est destiné aux professionnels francophones du secteur au service des immigrants, réfugiés et nouveaux arrivants en Ontario.
Sur cet espace d'échange, vous avez la possibilité de partager vos nouvelles, vos offres d'emplois, vos événements et vos appels d'offre.
Adressez-nous vos suggestions en contactant Aïssatou Sonko, par courriel à ou par téléphone au 416-322-4950 x 242
A conference for newcomer women, girls and trans people to meet each other and hear from inspirational leaders around creating social change and working towards economic justice for all newcomer and racialized people. At Ryerson University, Toronto on Oct. 3, 2015.
Watch a SUCCESS STORY of how newcomers and allies came together to stop the police from deporting undocumented newcomers in Toronto. When people speak out - it can make a difference.
Non-profits play a crucial role in making democracy vibrant and effective. However, this role can be hampered if non-profits aren't sure how election rules apply to them or their activities. To help deal with this confusion read the FAQ from Samara. The rules we're talking about here are specifically for non-profits that are not charities. Charitable organizations (like Samara) have more stringent rules they must adhere to.
Register for LAO Domestic Violence Strategy Consultation
Legal Aid Ontario (LAO) is meeting with domestic violence survivors, partners in the Violence against Women (VAW) community and other legal or community service providers to develop a strategy to expand and improve legal aid services for domestic violence clients. If you are interested in attending an in-person consultation session, please visit LAO's Domestic Violence Strategy website and register. French sessions will be available upon request.