In the Field Newsletter Volume 144



Substance NOT Performance

Since 2020 when the world, especially in this part of the world (North America), could not look away or deny the existence of anti-Black racism after watching almost 10 minutes of a Black man’s murder by police officers in the US, there has been escalating noise about the need for systems change, for broader ethno-racial representation in positions of power and decision-making.

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Embrave's Digital Storefront!

The Storefront is a new endeavour that will establish a new, stable revenue stream in support of Embrave’s work to provide shelter, counselling, and advocacy for survivors of GBV. Products are all inspired by the strength and bravery of survivors. All sales support Embrave’s emergency shelters for survivors of gender-based violence and their children.

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Announcing OCASI Leaders’ Forum 2024 - Opening Keynote Speaker: Amira Elghawaby 

Join us to hear a keynote address by Amira Elghawaby, Canada’s Special Representative on Combating Islamophobia on Wednesday, October 9th at 10:00 am. Hybrid Forum - Pan Pacific Hotel, Toronto.

Registration will open at the end of July 2024.
For more information please contact

Annonce du Forum des Leaders d'OCASI 2024. Conférencière d'ouverture : Amira Elghawaby

Soyez des nôtres lors de l’allocution principale de Amira Elghawaby, La représentante spéciale du Canada chargée de la lutte contre l’islamophobie, le mercredi 9 octobre à 10h00. Forum en mode hybride - Pan Pacific Hotel, Toronto.

Les inscriptions ouvriront fin juillet 2024.
Pour plus d'informations veuillez nous contacter à

Regularization not Racism

The federal government has delayed the introduction of an immigration status regularization program despite massive organizing efforts led by undocumented refugees and migrants and widespread support from civil society organizations. Sign this open letter from immigrant and refugee groups calling for a regularization program now!

Read and Sign the Open Letter »

La lettre ouverte : la régularisation

Le gouvernement fédéral a reporté à plus tard la mise en place d'un programme de régularisation du statut d'immigration malgré d'énormes efforts d'organisation menés par les personnes réfugiées et migrantes sans papiers. Veillez signer cette lettre ouverte des groups d’immigrants et de réfugiés exhortant le gouvernement à mettre en application un programme de régularisation sans plus tarder.

Lisez la lettre ouverte et signez-la! »

Engage in Active Citizenship!

Journeys to Active Citizenship invites you to make use of our developed curriculum, which helps settlement agencies promote civic engagement. Sign up and join the Journeys to Active Citizenship page on Here you can learn about our project, make connections within the settlement sector, engage in discussion, learn about ongoing initiatives to promote civic engagement and much more!

Engagez-vous dans la citoyenneté active!

'Chemins vers une citoyenneté active' vous invite à utiliser notre programme développé, qui aide les agences d'établissement à promouvoir l'engagement civique. Inscrivez-vous et rejoignez la page 'Chemins vers une citoyenneté active' sur Ici, vous pouvez en apprendre davantage sur notre projet, établir des liens au sein du secteur de l'établissement, participer aux discussions, découvrir les initiatives en cours pour promouvoir l'engagement civique et plus encore!

Newcomer Donation Network Website Launch

The Newcomer Donation Network (NDN) website connects people who wish to donate to help their communities with local agencies and, through them, with newcomers in need. We are currently accepting donation offers of temporary housing for newcomers in need. In a few months, we will add gift cards and voucher donation options.

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Lancement du site web du Réseau de Dons pour les Nouveaux Arrivants !

Le site web du Réseau de Dons pour les Nouveaux Arrivants (RDNA) met en relation les particuliers qui souhaitent faire des dons pour aider leurs communautés, avec les organismes communautaires et, à travers elles, les personnes nouvellement arrivées dans le besoin. Actuellement, nous acceptons les propositions d’offres de logements temporaires pour les personnes nouvellement arrivées dans le besoin. Dans quelques mois, nous ajouterons les cartes-cadeaux et les bons d'achat.

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Announcement: OCMS Advisory Committee

OCASI is establishing an OCMS advisory committee to facilitate a collaborative co-creation process with our members. OCASI is committed to ensuring that OCMS remains accountable, continually seeks feedback, and meaningfully engages with our membership through this national advisory committee. Stay tuned for more updates on how you can get involved!

Discover OCMS »



See the Person. Not the Label.

Some look at trans people and see nothing but a label. But one word doesn’t tell the whole story. Meet a former barista turned professional hockey player, a major label rockstar, and a runway model and role model at Together, we can advance 2SLGBTQI inclusion and encourage everyone to #SeeThePerson, not the label.

See the Person »

Making Gender and Name Changes on Identity Documents: A Legal Resource for Two-Spirit, Nonbinary and Trans Communities

This resource from METRAC helps two-spirit, non-binary, and trans communities understand how they can change their gender and name on legal documents and what they can do if they feel their name and gender aren't being respected.

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Parrainer des personnes réfugiées est un geste d’empathie et les services d’établissement sont là pour vous aider.

Les services d’établissement francophone de l’Association canadienne-française de l’Ontario, conseil régional des Mille-Îles (ACFOMI), basée à Kingston, ont un impact positif dans la vie des gens qui en bénéficient: les personnes immigrantes et réfugiées, d’une part, et les personnes ou institutions qui les parrainent, d’autre part.

Partie 1 »
Partie 2 »
Partie 3 »
Partie 4 »

Policy Brief: Early signs of trouble: Findings from the third-party evaluation of Ontario’s Employment Services Transformation

Maytree’s latest policy brief reveals critical issues in Ontario’s Employment Services Transformation project. Maytree calls on the Ontario government to commission and publish a new independent review and establish a shared transparency framework. A third-party evaluation by Goss Gilroy Inc., not released by the Ontario government, shows problems with the design and implementation of the new Integrated Employment Services, particularly for social assistance recipients.

Read the policy brief »

Five Good Ideas for being inclusive of Indigenous Peoples

This session explores some wise practices to be more inclusive of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit. From establishing and fostering meaningful relationships, to enhancing project-related engagement, to simply being a good ally. Watch the recording of the session presented by Maytree Foundation and download resources.

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The Rise of Investor Ownership and the Housing Crisis - Interview

Recent data shows that among wealthy countries, Canada’s housing cost increases have seen the fastest decoupling from income growth. More new housing is being purchased without the intention of being the home that the buyer lives in, and investors have become a very big proportion of home owners. An interview by the Broadbent Institute.

Watch the interview »

Region of Peel Gender-Based Violence Resource Guide

This resource guide was developed to provide a clear, detailed and comprehensive overview of support and services available to survivors of gender-based violence in the Region of Peel. 

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CCR Working Group Meetings - September 2024

Register for Canadian Council for Refugees Working Group meetings on September  12-13  in Montreal. This is a free event. Registration is required to facilitate organizing the event. You do not have to be a CCR member to attend. The meetings are closed to the government and media.

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The Giving Black Conference 2024

On Thursday, August 1, 2024, join The Giving Black Conference 2024 as they honour Black Philanthropy Month and Emancipation Day. This FREE inspiring conference brings together diverse change makers and culture shifters. Don't miss this opportunity to connect, learn, and be inspired. August 1, 2024, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm EDT. Virtual.

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A Rocky Path: Understanding Access to Education Challenges for Newcomer Children & Youth  

The report presents FCJ Youth Network’s latest evaluation assessing access to education for newcomer youth and children in Ontario. The initiative started in 2016. It will be followed up in 2025 with an update on how the recommendations have been implemented.

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Canadian Muslim Women’s Experiences of Employment Barriers and Facilitators 

Addressing Systemic Problems & Inequities in Resolving Employment Issues (ASPIRE), is a 3-year research initiative led by Canadian Council of Muslim Women. The initiative aims to address barriers to employment for Muslim women by focusing on developing tools and strategies to increase women’s recruitment, retention and advancement in non-traditional and/or growing economic sectors in Canada.

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Mississauga Youth Survey Report

The Mississauga Youth Survey was conducted by The Dam in May 2024 in partnership with The United Way and Factors Education Inc. The survey and report are to provide much needed comprehensive qualitative analysis on the wellbeing and mental health of youth in the Peel Region.

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A Roadmap for Transformative Change: Canada's Black Justice Strategy

The Department of Justice Canada has released A Roadmap for Transformative Change: Canada’s Black Justice Strategy, a landmark report by the external Steering Group for Canada's Black Justice Strategy. The Report identifies five principles to guide practical actions and policies in achieving justice for Black communities in Canada. 

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National Anti-Racism Fund: Event and Youth Initiative Grants

The National Anti-Racism Fund is one of the ways that the Canadian Race Relations Foundation supports communities across Canada in the fight against racism and discrimination.
Application Deadline: July 31, 2024 bt 11:59 PM EST

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