In the Field Newsletter Volume 143



Remembering, Commemoration and Celebration

As the car turned the corner of Davenport Road, turning into Church Street (non-Torontonians, indulge me for a moment), I sensed a change in the air at this intersection of the northern entry to Toronto’s Gay Village. A place that represents freedom, liberation and possibilities for many young queer persons across Canada, but probably more so around the globe. 

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Carrousel of the Nations Festival

The Multicultural Council of Windsor and Essex County looks forward to hosting you at the 2024 Carrousel of Nations Festival over two weekends - Friday, June 14 to Sunday, June 16, and Friday, June 21 to Sunday, June 23. The festival is recognized by Festivals and Events Ontario as one of the top 100 events in the province. It will showcase diverse cultures and traditions from across Windsor and Essex County.

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Launch: Canadian Network for Equity and Racial Justice (CNERJ)

OCASI - Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants in collaboration with Colour of Poverty - Colour of Change (COP-COC) and Chinese Canadian National Council for Social Justice (CCNC-SJ) is setting up the Canadian Racial Equity Network (CNERJ). Join us at the hybrid launch on Friday June 7, 1:30 - 5:00 pm.

Register today! »

Lancement : Réseau canadien pour l'équité et la justice raciale (RCEJR)

OCASI – Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants, Colour of Poverty Colour of Change (COP-COC) et le Chinese Canadian National Council for Social Justice (CCNC-SJ) sont en train de mettre sur pied le Réseau canadien pour l'équité et la justice raciale (RCEJR). Le RCEJR sera lancé vendredi, le 7 juin de 13 h 30 à 17 h à Ottawa. Cet événement aura lieu en mode hybride.

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OCASI Statement: Elected Leaders Must Do Better – Stand Against Racism and Xenophobia 

OCASI strongly condemns the anti-immigrant and anti-refugee sentiments expressed last week by Ontario Premier Ford in his comments regarding a school shooting in Toronto. These sentiments stereotype and scapegoat refugees and immigrants, and only serve to deepen existing xenophobia, and divide rather than unite. Words matter, especially from heads of government and elected leaders.

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OCASI Statement: Equity and Fairness For International Students

OCASI supports international student groups’ call for an equitable and fair immigration status regularization program and access to permanent residency for future students, a cap on international student tuition increases, and workers rights protection for students and their families. We call on the Canadian and Ontario governments to ensure equity and fairness for international students and their families.

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Elevate Your Training with OCASI Learn At Work

Are you an agency aiming to deliver online training but unsure where to start? OCASI Learn At Work can help with hosting, technical support, and staff training, allowing you to focus on your core activities.
Identify your needs, let us know, and we'll craft the perfect plan. Contact us today at!

How Kababayan, a Non-profit Organization, Changed the Life of a Mexican Refugee 

Settlement services bring about positive transformations in the lives of those who use them. This WelcomeOntario article, developed in partnership with Kababayan Multicultural Centre, highlights the importance of these impacts through the story of a newcomer refugee.

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Check out our Journeys to Active Citizenship website

Download the curriculum we have developed to support settlement agencies to promote civic engagement. You can also connect with peers in your sector, find information on best practices, discuss newcomer inclusion, and more.

Visit our website »

'Chemins vers une citoyenneté active' vous invite à consulter notre site web

Téléchargez le curriculum que nous avons développé pour soutenir les organismes d'établissement dans la promotion de l'engagement civique. Vous pouvez également vous connecter avec des pairs dans votre secteur, trouver des informations sur les meilleures pratiques, discuter de l'inclusion des nouveaux arrivants, et plus encore.

Visitez notre site web »

Why Agencies Love OCASI Client Management System (OCMS)

An OCMS user shares, "OCMS is a fantastic tool. It’s incredibly helpful for managing our clients' cases. All the client's information is conveniently located in one system, allowing workers to see everything that has been done for the client. Additionally, creating action plans and following up is much easier..."

Discover the benefits of OCMS today! »



Send A Message: Don’t Back Down on Regularization For All

The federal government promised regularization – permanent resident status for undocumented people – this Spring. Don’t let PM Trudeau break his promise.  Tell him to ensure equality and justice for all.

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SVP, Envoyez un message : Ne reculez pas sur la régularisation pour toutes et tous!

Le gouvernement du Premier ministre Trudeau a promis la régularisation – le statut de résident permanent pour les personnes sans statut migratoire – ce printemps. Ne laissez pas le Premier ministre Trudeau rompre sa promesse. Dites-lui de garantir l’égalité et la justice pour toutes et tous.

Envoyez un message »

Risk Identification Safety Assessment (RISA) Tool

The Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic presents the Risk Identification & Safety Assessment (RISA) Tool!  As part of the Clinic’s five-year National Risk Assessment Project, the RISA Tool was developed to provide front-line service providers with a holistic approach to risk identification and safety planning with survivors of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) or those at risk of violence.

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International Students and Emotional Abuse: Campuses Must Offer Support!

This infographic shares some of the ways international students experience emotional abuse, barriers to accessing help, and how postsecondary campuses can take proactive steps to offer supports. By Western University Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children and the Learning Network.

Download the infographic »

Cybersecurity Toolkit for Non-Profits

Ontario 211, with Technology Helps & its provincial partners, has launched a cybersecurity Toolkit that provides a roadmap to digital security for Canadian non-profits. The toolkit is available in English & French. 

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Non-profit Organizations (NPOs) In Canada 2023

View or download a new infographic from Statistics Canada that shows certain demographics of nonprofits in Canada. Highlights: More than 75% of NPOs have senior managers, more than half are women. Only 10% are members of a racialized group. Statistics Canada notes that 26.5% of the population was racialized in 2021.

Download the infographic »



Réunification familiale - webinaire sur le consentement parental – Stratégies et astuces 

Mardi 18 juin 2024, À 14 h (heure de l’Est) 
Dans ce webinaire nous examinerons les stratégies pour naviguer dans les exigences d'IRCC et du MIFI en matière de consentement parental pour les mineurs qui immigrent au Canada et au Québec. Le webinaire durera 90 minutes

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Refugee Hearing Orientations - Virtual Ready Tour

Are you a refugee claimant? You are invited to participate in the IRB-RPD VIRTUAL READY TOURS! This is a great opportunity to meet the RPD (Refugee Protection Division) officers who will explain what is going to happen during your refugee hearing and how to be ready. Offered on many dates  in June, July, August and September.

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Global Horizons in Child Welfare and Immigration: Bridging Borders and Building Futures 

The Child Welfare Immigration Centre of Excellence National Conference is an opportunity for cross-sector knowledge exchange and partnerships to enhance services for children, youth, and families. June 12, 2024, at 8:30 am - 5 pm, Pearson Convention Centre in Brampton, ON.

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Celebrating Resilience: Queer and Two Spirit Indigenous Narratives

Jun 13, 2024, 12:00 PM EDT. Join us for a dynamic webinar hosted by the Canadian Women's Foundation. In honor of Pride Month, Indigenous History Month, and Indigenous Peoples Day, we're bringing together a diverse panel of speakers to share their lived experiences and insights.

Register now! »

Célébrons la résilience : récits autochtones queers et bispirituels

Le jeudi 13 juin, 12 h à 13 h 30 HNE. Joignez-vous à nous pour un webinaire dynamique animé par la Fondation canadienne des femmes. Afin de marquer le Mois de la fierté, le Mois national de l’histoire autochtone et la Journée nationale des peuples autochtones, nous avons réuni un groupe diversifié d’intervenant·es qui partageront leurs expériences et livreront leurs réflexions.

Inscivez-vous ici ! »

Let’s Talk About Functional Seizures

Have you, or a loved one, been diagnosed with functional seizures (also known as Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures, PNES, stress seizures, or dissociative seizures)? Epilepsy Toronto is offering a free virtual educational event on July 12, 2024. 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm.

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Understanding the Gender Pension Gap in Canada

The report by the Ontario’s Pay Equity Office. examines the roots of the gender pension gap, providing a detailed look at how Canada’s retirement income instruments operate to convert gender wage gaps and gendered hours of paid work into lower pensions for women. 

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Race and Gender in the Workplace: A Backgrounder

This brief released by WomenACT and the Government of Ontario provides an overview of the structural and individual dimensions of gender and racial discrimination and how this intersection impacts the opportunities and experiences of Indigenous, Black, and Racialized women in Canadian workplaces. Additionally, it spotlights the intersection of gender-based violence in the workplace.

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The Financialization of Purpose-Built  Rental Housing

The report is the result of a considerable amount of thoughtful input from people from across Canada and from around the globe. The main message is that the financialization of rental housing is a growing challenge in Canada’s housing system that requires urgent and deliberate intervention by the federal government. 

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How Digital Are Canadian Charities Now?

The 2023 Digital Skills Survey Results revisits the questions we asked of Canadian charities in 2021 to see how much has [or hasn't] changed in two years. This report by Canada Helps also explores new topics, including cybersecurity and AI usage.

Download the report »

New Report on Women’s Pathways to Employment

“Increasing Pathways to Secure, Meaningful Employment through Design and Implementation of Inclusive Skills Development Policies” was released in March by Women in Resource Development Corporation. The report scans existing skills development and employment practices, and includes recommendations to remove barriers to women’s full economic participation.

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Call for Proposals 2024 - Equitable Access to Reading Program

This funding opportunity from Employment and Social Development Canada aims to increase the production of alternate format reading materials for persons with print disabilities.
Apply by June 19, 2024 by 3 PM EST.

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Seed Grants - Ontario Trillium Foundation

These grants help organizations build resilience and enhance their ability to deliver programs and services that directly benefit community members. Apply for funding to support organizational planning, pilot a new program, and build capacity to plan for future programs and services.
Apply by June 26, 2024 by 5 PM EST.

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Youth Action Fund - The Laidlaw Foundation

The Youth Action Fund (YAF) provides funding to grassroots initiatives working with young people who are underserved by the education system and overrepresented in the criminal justice and child welfare systems. YAF prioritizes Black and/or Indigenous youth-led initiatives.
Application Deadline: June 25, 2024 by 5PM EST

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