In the Field Newsletter Volume 108



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Canada Day: A Time For Reflection

In our July 2021 issue of OCASI In The Field, we are honoured to share in this space, an article from Native Child and Family Services Toronto.

Read "Canada Day: A time for reflection" »



Logo of Your Way

Your Way: Women's Entrepreneurship Program

YOUR WAY offers individual and group-based support to women entrepreneurs or aspiring women entrepreneurs who are racialized, newcomers or have a disability. The program is delivered in partnership between KEYS Job Centre, St. Lawrence College and the City of Kingston and is part of the WE-CAN project.

For more information on how to apply contact KEYS Job Centre »



Banner of 2021 Virtual OCASI PD Conference

Réserver la date / Hold the date

20, 21 ET 22 OCTOBRE 2021 - La Conférence virtuelle de développement professionnel OCASI 2021. Plus d’informations sur la conférence seront bientôt disponibles. Questions? Veuillez contacter

OCTOBER 20-22 2021 - The 2021 Virtual OCASI Professional Development Conference. More information will be available soon. Questions? Please contact


Soumettez une proposition de session

OCASI vous invite à soumettre une proposition de session pour la Conférence virtuelle de développement professionnel OCASI 2021. Date limite de soumission : lundi 19 juillet 2021.

Plus d'information »

Submit a session proposal

OCASI invites you to submit a session proposal for the 2021 Virtual OCASI Professional Development Conference. Deadline for submissions: Monday, July 19, 2021.

More information »

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Qui sont les Premières Nations, les Métis et les Inuits?

Notre histoire commence avec les peuples autochtones de l’Île de la Tortue, premier nom donné à ce que nous appelons aujourd’hui l’Amérique du Nord. Consultez notre article informatif à ce sujet sur le site Web Etablissement.Org.

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Who are the First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples?

Our story begins with the Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island, which was the first name for what we now call North America. You can read this information article on our Settlement.Org website.

Apply For The PET Training Fund

The OCASI Professional Education and Training Program (PET) Fund is Available for In-House Group Training. Organizations funded by Immigrant Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) are eligible to apply for funds up to $3000 to cover the facilitator’s fee for Virtual Group Training on topics that will benefit the work of the sector.

Apply for the fund »

Logo of Accessibility Initiative

New logo for AI!

After much work with our stakeholders and an amazing designer, the Accessibility Initiative of OCASI is proud to announce the launch of our new logo. We have grown over the years, and after careful consideration, we have chosen a logo that is modern with key elements that convey our message of inclusivity for newcomers with in/visible disabilities. Contact

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L’Initiative pour l'Accessibilité a un nouveau logo

Après un travail intensif et des consultations avec toutes les parties prenantes du projet et un designer extraordinaire, l'Initiative pour l'Accessibilité d'OCASI est fière d'annoncer le lancement de son nouveau logo. Notre projet a bien grandi au fil des ans, et après mûre réflexion, nous avons choisi un logo moderne avec des éléments clés qui reflètent notre message d'inclusivité pour les nouveaux arrivants vivant avec des handicaps in/visibles. Contact

Suivez-nous sur Twitter »

OCASI Statement On New Citizenship Oath

OCASI welcomes the Government of Canada response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s (TRC) Call to Action 94.

Read the OCASI statement »

OCMS logo

Power At Your Fingertips

Need to streamline client information for your agency? Generate reports quickly and easily? Meet last-minute funder changes in reporting? Discover how by watching the OCMS video or sign up for a webinar. OCASI Client Management System was developed by the sector for the sector, and is exclusively user-fee supported. Contact Elena Trapeznikova or (416) 322-4950 ext. 241

Logo of Settlenet.Org / Réseau-Etab.Org

Subscribe to’s newsletter!

Find out what’s new and of current interest to the community by subscribing to our Monthly Updates newsletter.

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Want your content on the community to be highlighted? Let the team know before the 3rd Thursday of each month when the newsletter is sent.



Flyer of Census Canada

Complete your online census questionnaire today!

It's not too late! If you have not yet completed your #2021Census, complete it today. If not, you will be contacted by Statistics Canada for a non-response follow-up via mail, telephone or in-person visits.

Read more »

Remplissez votre questionnaire du recensement en ligne dès aujourd’hui !

Il n'est pas trop tard! Si vous n'avez pas encore rempli votre questionnaire du #RecensementDe2021, faites-le dès aujourd'hui. Sinon, Statistique Canada communiquera avec vous pour effectuer un suivi de non-réponse par courrier, par téléphone ou en personne.

Lire la suite »

Queer Refugee Hearings Program (QRHP) Toolkit

This guide will help you to prepare your refugee claim based on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and/or sex characteristics. The toolkit is produced by Capital Rainbow Refugee, based in Ottawa.

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Ripple Effect Circle

Black communities in Canada are impacted by acts of racism. Ripple Effect Circle is an action-oriented alliance of individuals of influence across multiple sectors in Canada created to take action and work towards eliminating systemic racism in Black communities. Join the Ripple Effect Circle. Created by Midaynta Community Services, African Canadian Coalition of Community Organizers and many others.

Read more »

Sondage : Créer une définition de la violence envers les aînés

Le gouvernement de Canada demande votre rétroaction afin de créer une définition stratégique fédérale des « mauvais traitements envers les aînés ». Vous pouvez y participer en tout temps d’ici le 22 juillet 2021. 

Lire sur la consultation et repondez au sondage »

Survey: Creating A Definition Of Senior Abuse

The Government of Canada has launched an online consultation on a federal policy definition of senior abuse. Share your views on how we should define senior abuse in Canada. Complete the online survey by July 22, 2021. Read about the consultation.

Read about the consultation and complete the survey »

Refugee Law Lab Resource

The Refugee Law Lab Reporter publishes positive decisions from the Refugee Protection Division of Canada’s Immigration and Refugee Board. The website includes a searchable database of decisions including by country.

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Appel de propositions d’IRCC

Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada (IRCC) a lancé un appel de propositions pour des services de réinstallation et de gestion de cas dans le cadre du Programme d’aide à la réinstallation (PAR) et du Programme d’établissement. La date limite de présentation des demandes est le 20 août 2021.

Plus d'information »

IRCC Call For Proposals

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has launched a call for proposals for resettlement and case management services, under the Resettlement Assistance Program (RAP) and the Settlement Program. Applications are due by August 20, 2021.

Read more »

CWF Community Needs Grants 2021

Canadian Women’s Foundation is now accepting proposals for this new annual grant stream meant to provide one year of flexible funding to organizations to meet a range of needs. The new grant stream was created in response to pressure the COVID-19 pandemic has been putting on gender justice and women’s organizations. Applications are due by August 6, 2021.

Read more »


Colour-coded Retirement

This Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives paper documents the income gap between white, racialized and Indigenous seniors, and examines retirement savings for these groups. The data reveal significant differences in both income and savings among the groups. The paper draws on the 2016 Canadian census.

Download the research paper »

Cover of the report

Settlement Outcomes Highlights

This publication by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) provides summary and key findings on the settlement and integration outcomes of newcomers to Canada from a larger and more detailed report. It includes evidence on clients of the IRCC Settlement Program and non-clients.

Read the report »


Get The NAP On The Road

What will it take to achieve a Canada free of gender-based violence? Governments at all levels now have the definitive answer to that question in A Report to Guide the Implementation of a National Action Plan on Violence Against Women and Gender-Based Violence, delivered to the federal government on April 30, 2021. Read the report at

Take action »

Immigrants And Refugees Mental Health

Immigrants, especially refugees were less likely than Canadian-born respondents to have a high level of self-reported mental health. There are significant differences by immigrants’ world source region and how long they had been in Canada. These findings were reported in a Statistics Canada Health Report released on June 16, 2021.

Read the report »

Canadian Views On Immigration, Racism

Two different reports from the Angus Reid Institute in partnership with the University of British Columbia look respectively at Canadian views on immigration levels, and views on diversity and racism. The reports were released in June 2021.

Read the report on immigration levels »

Read the report on diversity and racism »

Equitable Access To Permanent Residence

A new policy paper from Ryerson University - Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration and Integration recommends ten practical solutions to increase equitable access to the recently announced temporary resident pathway to permanent residence.

Read the policy paper »