Purpose: To sustain and grow the existing bilingual national online community of practice established on SettleNet.org/Réseau-Etab.org.
The national online bilingual community of practice central to this project is supported by the collaborative digital platform SettleNet.org and Réseau-Etab.org in French, and is meant to ensure that immigrant and refugee service providers have access to the same information and professional development opportunities across Canada. As more service providers use the platform, it is hoped that it will generate much value, relevance and excitement among the sector. As service providers are naturally bonded by their desire to learn, grow, and help their colleagues, SettleNet.org/Réseau-Etab.org aims to continue to attract and engage more service providers and stakeholders, thus playing a part in supporting an interconnected sector that works for the successful integration of newcomers to Canada.
Call for Applicants - for SettleNet.org Ambassadors
SettleNet.org/Réseau-Etab.org is looking for enthusiastic volunteers to be the face and voice of the national online community and platform. As a successful candidate, you will be involved in increasing awareness.
Read the Call for Applicants [PDF]
Download the Application Form [PDF]
Project Purpose
Purpose: To sustain and grow the existing bilingual national online community of practice established on SettleNet.org/Réseau-Etab.org.
By doing so, service providers and other stakeholders across Canada will continue to have a shared online space to help them:
- Learn: Engage in shared learning.
- Share: Communicate and share information, capture and diffuse existing knowledge.
- Connect: Organize around issues and a shared interest in addressing them; connect with those whom they may otherwise never have come into contact with.
- Collaborate: Introduce collaborative processes and encourage the free flow of ideas and information; generate new knowledge.
Long-term goal: Contribute to the ability of service providers and the sector as a whole to deliver more responsive and coordinated settlement and community services.