Speak up against racism

There is no room for racism in Canadian society.

The short video "Multiply" shows, all it takes for racism to thrive is for people to tolerate it. To stay silent and try to turn away, to simply ignore it. It is often the easy thing to do. It's silence that allows racism to grow.

In the short video "Backyard Blast", we are so shocked when we hear casual racism that it's hard to speak out and easier to let it pass. But instead we put a loud focus on these things and actively promote that they should not go unnoticed.

Put a loud focus on casual racism. Don’t let it pass, and don’t let it go unnoticed.

Speak up against racism. Put racism on blast.

We acknowledge with gratitude the many contributions of our advisory committee.

OCASI worked with Mass Minority on creative and media.

This campaign was developed with funding provided by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada and the Government of Ontario

 Read the media release