REGISTER NOW: Moving Beyond Canada 150 - An Equity, Inclusion & Racial Justice Change-Making Conversation
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Tuesday November 28, 2017 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Toronto Central Grosvenor Street YMCA Centre, 20 Grosvenor Street
Toronto, ON
Hosted by Colour of Poverty – Colour of Change
A community forum to bring together First Peoples and peoples of colour to share their respective visions, strategies and priorities on:
- ensuring a more inclusive, equitable, and racially just environment across Ontario;
- where fair and equitable life chances, opportunities and outcomes exist for all Ontarians;
- building an Ontario that acknowledges, understands and appreciates the nature of Treaty relationship;
- is committed to building a Treaty-based, nation-to-nation, government-to-government Indigenous-settler relationship going forward.
Featuring speakers:
- Kim Murray, Assistant Deputy Attorney General – Indigenous Justice Division, Ministry of Attorney General (former Executive Director of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission)
- Councillor Joe Mihevc, Ward 21 St. Paul's, City of Toronto Poverty Reduction Advocate and Newcomer Advocate
- Shalini Konanur, Executive Director – South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario
- Avvy Go, Clinic Director – Chinese and Southeast Asian Legal Clinic
(Speakers list will be updated as more confirmations are received)
Moderated by Debbie Douglas, Executive Director – Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants
- As of the 2016 Census - 4.9% of Canada’s population is now Indigenous, and 22.3% are now peoples of colour - together making up 27.2% of Canadians.
- In Ontario - First Peoples make up 1.8% of the province, and peoples of colour are 29.3% of Ontarians - together accounting for almost a full 1/3 of the population of Ontario - at 31.1%.
- As Canada and Ontario commemorate their 150th anniversaries, it is important that these ever more numerous voices not be left behind - particularly as these historically marginalized communities and equity-seeking groups continue to find themselves consistently clustered at the wrong end of most social, health or economic indicators.
- Working to deepen and broaden shared understanding and healthy relationship between and across First Peoples and peoples of colour in the province is fundamental to the work of racial justice change-making in Ontario and Canada.
- Communities of colour need to know, support and commit themselves to help realize the 94 Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, as well as the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Hosted with funding from Ontario 150
Additional sponsorship provided by Council of Agencies Serving South Asians
Light Dinner will be provided.
If you require more information please contact:
Background and key reference materials
Colour of Poverty - Colour of Change has been organizing a series of five local conversations as part of of the Ontario and Canada 150 commemorations to bring together First Peoples and peoples of colour and allies. The conversations are an opportunity to share, reflect and plan together for an Ontario wide racial justice change-making agenda, that is focused on clear First Peoples and peoples of colour purposes and priorities.
Local racial justice change-making conversations were held in: Thunder Bay (September 20) and Windsor (September 28).
Future conversations are scheduled for Toronto (November 28), Ottawa (December 4) and Peel Region (date is pending).
Reference materials - click on the link to download:
From Remembrance to Reconciliation: A Shared Community Dialogue on Our Roles as Treaty Peoples - Part 1 and Par 2
(Live stream of the joint Truth and Reconciliation Commission and Colour of Poverty - Colour of Change Public Forum, November 12, 2013)
CERD Shadow Report on Canada - FINAL ( COP-COC et al - July 7, 2017 ) [Doc - 219 Kb]
TRC_Calls_to_Action_(Truth_and_Reconciliation_Commission_of_Canada-2015) [PDF - 300.6 Kb]
UN_Declaration_on_the_Rights_of_Indigenous_Peoples_(United_Nations-March_2008) [PDF - 159.8 Kb]
CERD-Concluding_Observations_on_Canada_(CERD-August_25_2017) [PDF - 231.2 Kb]