OCASI Client Management System (OCMS)

The OCASI Client Management System (OCMS) is a powerful and sophisticated website that can be used by multi-service agencies across Canada to record and retrieve important client information while generating detailed real-time reports on individual and group activities.

The video below will provide prospective users an overview of the key management features of the OCMS.

Are you looking for a client management system that works well for your agency? Try OCMS! Please contact ocmssupport@ocasi.org.

The OCMS is available in English and French, including a full knowledge base of how-to articles, and our live online trainings are conducted in English, with translation into French available upon request.

All new clients receive comprehensive online training session, including full support for iCARE bulk uploads. They also gain access to microlearning modules, our extensive knowledge base, and a complete certificate-based training is also available exclusively on our LearnAtWork.ca site for OCMS users.

We also offer monthly Q&A sessions, as well as bulk upload reviews and support.

This database has been up and running since its launch in the spring of 2014.

Please note: This service is currently not funded by any level of government so we are charging to sustain the system and add new features as required.

OCMS Key Feature Chart





No restrictions on client types, including anonymous and named clients

Handles all immigration statuses

Connect clients by family code

Print client profile as intake form

Built-in confidentiality and privacy controls



Customized emails/reminders/notifications

Customized internal and external referral lists

Shared client profiles to reduce duplication and save time



Workers can create real-time reports by location, worker, and activity

Aggregated reports for funders

40+ reports with advanced options (age, gender, location, etc.)

Case Management


Record and review past client sessions and case notes

Create, update and share detailed settlement plans

Track and monitor referrals and settlement plans

File uploads to client profiles or service forms

Restrict access to client forms within the agency

Group Orientations/Workshops


Organize and track group activities

Customize group activity names

Report on workshop trends and topics

Add clients ad hoc to group activities with profile completion at a later date

Time Savers


Automated notifications/reminders for clients and workers

"Trusted Partnerships" to share referral information between partners

Bulk export of records for import into funder databases, iCARE Bulk Uploads

Addtional Features


Manage tutors, mentors, volunteers and employee directory

Detailed settlement planning tools